Kingsley Baconhausen

Boom! Enter Barry, Bosworth's "friend" that bailed him out of jail. Totally gay.

Seriously. I was so excited for that show, but I couldn't stand any of the characters other than Coulson, didn't even make it through one episode.

Double-secret twist: Sookie's an alien and gets called back to the mothership in the series finale! SHOCKING!

Wait…I'm only a couple minutes into the episode, but they're seriously calling it the Giant?

OK, I finally got bored enough to watch the rest of this episode. Maybe I'm misreading the signs, but Bosworth forlornly looking over the divorce papers + punching the scumbag designer for being homophobic = Bosworth is a closeted gay whose wife is leaving him because she caught him in a gay moment.

I'm hoping for some grim & gritty Hell's Kitchen action, but I'm a bit hesitant to see how far Disney will let things go now that they have a say in it. Plus, I don't think Hell's kitchen is quite as bad as it was in the 70's, though I'm on the west coast so what do I know.

Whether you like them or not, Netflix is doing a decent job with their original series so far (a lot better than recent seasons of True Blood). I'm looking forward to seeing what they do with these Marvel properties, but then as a fan of comic book stuff I'm pretty much the target demographic. The cast looks good so

I'm glad the sexy electricity scene happened in the first few minutes, because that was officially it for me. I'd like to thank the hack writers of this show for not wasting any more of my time than was necessary this week. I gave this waste of time 6 weeks based on the likeable actors (actors, NOT characters), and

"Kev was good man…with a funny voice."

I noticed a big white board in the GR house with their tenents and BS written all over it, so at least they have one. You'd think they'd all just text each other anyways, fucking idiots.

I am less confused by a single episode of this show than an entire season of Penny Dreadful.

The Newsroom doesn't suck, you just don't agree with it. Hating a show for the same reason I love it gives it just as much praise.

Why does one have to be better? They were two of the best shows of the last year, why can't they both be Fucking Awesome?

I remember at least two occasions.

I don't really see any man-hating on this show. Its a show about a women's prison from the women's point of view, of course the men are going to be the bad guys If Kohan is guilty of anything its thinking that she (and Piper and Alex by extension) are FAR more clever than they really are. She tries way too hard to be

Same here. The only thing I really like about Piper is the way the other characters react to her. At this point I'm pretty sure that the only reason Larry exists is to make Piper look a little less horrible by comparison.

I suppose I'm not the target demographic, seeing as how I think Piper and Alex (and of course Larry) are annoying, self-centered and uninteresting, but damn that first episode was torture. Good thing the next couple made up for it, showcasing some of the more interesting characters on the show. Overall it seems a lot

I fully agree if we're talking about the books, but I wouldn't be making any bets regarding the show. The changes are getting bigger and bigger, and the showrunners don't need the Hound around after his part is done in the books. They're upping Arya's body count considerably compared to the books, why not let her kill

Hmm, now I wonder if its an invention of the showrunners or a tidbit from Martin he let the show have early. Either way it seems that the Lannisters will be going the way of the Castameres eventually. The Iron Bank of Braavos has been setup as a dynasty killer in the books, but they haven't really shown their true

Was it ever mentioned in the books that the Lannisters are going broke? It would be just like Martin to put vital info in a throwaway conversation, but I don't remember reading about the gold mines going dry. I admit that there are parts of the last two books that are so dry I barely pay attention, so I easily could