Kingsley Baconhausen

Not the way Malvo said it.


"Bastogne" is a great episode by itself, but I think its even better as a setup to "The Breaking Point." That episode could not have been more aptly named, for the men of E Company or the viewer. It was masterful the way the show pulled us into a very intimate and mostly quiet episode like "Bastogne", then just


He's always been one of my favorite characters on the show, one of the few "good guys". Also, I loved L.A. Noire, so the guy can pretty much do no wrong by me.

He really was stuck at the kids table huh? I didn't see it that way until you said it but that was definitely the intent. Fitting that you describe Don as infantilized too, seeing as how it was Peggy that made Don "WAAHHH!" like a baby last season. Season 1 Don would NEVER have done that, I see now that it was a way

Well, I didn't mean to say that their relationship was totally one dimensional and negative. Don has certainly been a mentor and a protector to Peggy, but he has also taken advantage of her and done some really nasty things to her, usually to serve his own needs. She is the strongest female character on the show (tied

Right. Forgot about that part last week. It gets confusing when you're reading the books and watching the show at the same time, so many changes.

Well, we know that Ken can't stand Pete, and Don is everything Pete isn't. We also know that since Don left the agency its become a very uncreative, "adequate" place to work. Even though Ken is a sales guy, he's also a writer and I think he was a bit jealous of the creative types early in the show. Maybe he saw the

Not one mention of Locke? Am I only one who wonders what the fuck he's doing at the wall? I get that he stood in for Vargo Hoat earlier in the series (they really should have given him a lisp), but what purpose is he to serve at the wall? Are Ser Aliser and Ser Janos not enough to break Jon's balls?

When Peggy told Don that no one really missed him, the first thing that came to my mind was Don throwing cash at Peggy's face, which reminded me of all the horrible things Don has done and said to her over the years just to show his supremacy over her. He totally deserved that, and you could tell he knew it from the

I'm kind of shocked that someone took this seriously enough to write an article about it. Depp must be laughing his ass off at this whole thing.

Sometimes I just don't understand people. We're talking about SIBLINGS THAT HAVE THREE CHILDREN TOGETHER. We're talking about a couple that threw a kid out of a window to keep their sordid secret. Jaime at least is trying to be a better person, but Cersei is despicable. I see that they are trying to make her a bit

You kind of need a wrist to use a hand properly too. I still say a blade, even a shorter dagger blade, would be better than that clumsy, unmoving hand.

I don't remember there being much subtlety in the books. He pretty much got shit on the moment he got back to kings Landing.

Agreed. I was afraid they were just going to give that part to Littlefinger or Shae. I was happy to see Dontos, even as condensed as they made his part.

"I don’t know why Jaime wants a hook. That metal hand is something I would gladly wear."

This is probably my favorite episode so far, and it was made greater by having almost no Laurel in it. I'm really hoping they kill her off soon. Not to be cruel, but she doesn't seem to serve any purpose on the show. Having Slade or one of the other baddies kill her would impact all the other characters more than

Thats called the Stormtrooper Method.
