Kingsley Baconhausen

Hard to believe this episode got a such a positive review. Any time Laurel is given so much screen time its a disaster, and the scene between her and her sister was a new low for the series. Laurel may be the stupidest person in Starling city, but even she would have to recognize her own sister from such a close

Honestly I dont even pay attention to the grades, I just read the reviews.

I'm gonna go ahead and take your words at face value, so there. I know you meant them as dismissive and insulting but hey, best laid plans and all that.

I'm not sure what got you so riled up, but your stern words aren't going to change my opinion. I never really said any of the type of stuff you're ranting about, its almost as if you responded to the wrong comment.

I know, I know. A good review shouldn't just be an op-ed piece though. There should be something more to back up this level of disdain than personal opinion. Its one thing to call out a technical mistake (like a plot hole or something that bothers pretty much everyone), its another to let your view cloud the entire

I like what Bear does for the most part, as you say its the songs they drop in for "dramatic effect" that ruin it for me. Its one of those trends that no one with a working brain seems to like, but you see it more and more regardless.

This review reads more like a long comment than an article, if that makes sense. Way too much personal opinion, and not enough…ummm…objective journalism? I can't put it into words, but the reviewer seemed so detached from the drama that the review falls flat.

Dude, Three's Company owned that one. I think 90% of their plotlines revolved around simple misunderstandings with naughty sexual innuendo.

Sons of Anarchy has ruined the "episode ending lame song played over reflective character montage" for all time. I hated that crap before, but SOA single handedly buried that cliche so far down it will never recover.

I had no idea Sheriff Steve was Drunk Steve from Deadwood until he yelled "MOTHERFUCKER!", at which point it became obvious.

Every single job I've ever had could have used a FUCK TENT. Thats a serious morale booster right there.

Its likely some kid acting a fool, but y'all shouldn't use this as a chance to smear your "enemies". Anyone who would threaten a 5 year old girl isn't a conservative or a bible thumper, they are a crazy person, simple as that.

Seeing Alexander Skarsgard in an afro wig with a big dumb grin on his face made the whole series worth it.

I think "condescending and mean spirited" is just the way things are on this site when reviewers don't like something. I've gotten pretty upset at the way some of my favorite shows have gotten blasted on TV Club (for example, I thought Netflix's House of Cards was excellent but the reviewers thought otherwise), but at

Carrie's selfishness pretty much ruined this episode (and the season) for me. Putting aside her mental illness and even the fact that she is usually right in the end, Carrie has consistently acted in her own best interests, even when she knew her actions would jeopardize the mission and/or betray her friends and

"I remain convinced that Gaga has the charisma to pull off a variety show of this style"

That was it, thanks for the reminder. The first few seasons are still great TV though.

30 Helens would agree: Kids in the Hall should be on the list.

Agreed. BBC puts out a couple good shows and all of a sudden they are the savior of serialized drama. I think its a case of "grass is always greener". Hell, the world seemed to love Baywatch but I couldn't get far enough away from it.

Has Northern Exposure not withstood the test of time? It was really good at first, but I remember it going on for a season or 2 more than it should have.