Kingsley Baconhausen

You don't catch up with Breaking Bad, you either watched it or you suck.

Thats half the reason I have to work myself up to watch this silly show. Jax's stupid swagger and the laughably bad writing make up the other half. You know its gonna be a boring night when SOA is at the top of the queue.

I live to be downvoted, lets me know I'm on the right track. When the AV Club regulars start agreeing with me its time to eat a bullet.

Kinda sad that people keep track of this kinda stuff and wonder why there is racism. I only mention it because the author had to point out the "racial diversity" as well. Gee, I guess the show should have been set on the west coast so we could have a nice post-apocalyptic rainbow coalition.

Fuck Blink 182 for their bubblegum, pussycore music for sissies, and fuck the author for calling that baby music punk.

Considering the bulk of unwatchable trash that passes for TV nowadays, how can you criticize one of the few channels that makes quality shows?

I don't think the problem is the networks. The problem lies with a viewing public that gobbles up the crap these networks produce. If no one tuned in to watch all of the horrible reality bullshit that passes for entertainment, then the networks would stop creating it. If all of you hip, ironic assholes didn't enjoy

I was pulling for Hank. Goddamn, I feel like I was just slapped around by a TV show.

You'll waste time on Under the Dome but not this? Shame on y'all.

Not cool bruh! With those flowing locks homeboy can pull any vag he wants…he's just got better things to do…like conditioning his hair.

I called it quits 3 or 4 episodes ago, but I do have questions. I don't think this will be spoilers, since the show is going out of its way to be nothing like the book.

You should see how King wrote the skater kids in the book. It was like his only reference was a book about "sidewalk surfing" from the 70's. He actually called a bail a "wilson", a term that was old when I started riding in the 80's (pretty sure its from Dennis the Menace, with old Mr Wilson stepping on Dennis' roller

I made it 17 minutes into this episode before I gave up. Even if I hadn't read the book I don't think I could stand any more of this trash…and this is coming from a guy who forgives True Blood and Dexter its ridiculousness…es.

…and yet you still grace us all with your comments, because god forbid the internet run too low on negativity.

Will's actions would be easy to misunderstand as hypocrisy, but I think that flaw is what makes his character so human. If you mix too much empathy with a certain idealism it can make life tough. For one thing you are your own worst critic. You're constantly beating yourself up for every mistake you make, wondering if

Alright then, I see some of your points. If the first part came off as overly hateful I apologize, just trying to be colorful. I hope you won't begrudge me just a little artistic license, just as I won't begrudge my fellow commenters a bit of over-sensitivity.

I was a bit shocked by Will's opening diatribe until the big orange "OPINION" banner was shown at the bottom of his screen. I don't think its personal opinion that is destroying the credibility of the news media, I think its that news organizations are spinning their personal opinions into "fact" by reporting them as

I agree. I see Sorkin's dialog the same as good kung-fu wire fighting. I know those dudes cant jump 50 feet in the air and fight on bamboo poles and the like, but it sure does make for good storytelling.

"I thought you were above wading into our fever swamp again, duder?
mean if you want to keep venting your weird, unhinged rage, that's cool.
I'll be over here, managing to have even the slightest sense of humor
about myself."

It couldn't be worse than what we have now.