Kingsley Baconhausen

Doesn't analyze her fellow humans very well either. Living vicariously my ass, I make a fool out of myself on a regular basis doing the same thing Will does, albeit on a smaller scale and without the benefit of writers to make me sound so smart.

Hey man, that guy is a Marine and will kick your ass no matter how many protein bars you've had.

Thanks for proving my (and the shows) point.

I suppose even the best of us have a tiny little streak of evil, which must explain why I love seeing all of you bitch and moan and hate this show that I love so much. You can't stand it, but you watch the show or read the review, all just to fill up your petty little hate meters so you can spread your snark around.

Well, he did learn their names and all.

I'm not sure about getting raped, although that kinda thing was in the news in recent years. I think it will be more of a "in the line of duty" thing, and she'll get hurt/traumatized by something while she's trying to be an honest reporter. Getting beaten while filming something or seeing a bunch of kids get killed,

Oh, I have pretty strong opinions. I'm fairly certain we're all being lied to for the most part, so feeling strongly about one side or the other is just picking the liar you would rather believe in. I'm also pretty sure that neither side has all the answers, so its silly to put all your money on one horse. Left and

Cheers to her, jeers to almost every commenter for proving her point.

I'm not sure you left and rights see this, but the more you bitch about the other side the more you make yourself look just as bad as you're trying to make them look. To those of us in the middle (and those that choose to stay out of the whole mess) theres no difference between left/right, you all look like zealous

Why do you watch the show (or bother to comment here) if you don't like it? Are you a masochist? Are you the company that Misery loves? Go punch yourself in the dick already.

It seems as though the reviewer doesn't even like the show, which makes for a fairly hard to read article. I understand that opinion is hard to leave out of a review, but a decent writer should be able to make a pass at objectively reviewing a show on its technical and creative merits without shoving their own

Just wondering if anyone watches GoT on HBO GO with the interactive features, and if so are the features any good?

Just wondering if anyone watches GoT on HBO GO with the interactive features, and if so are the features any good?

Extras from Luck? Damn dude, you are like school in the Summer… =)

Extras from Luck? Damn dude, you are like school in the Summer… =)

I don't understand a lot of the changes that have been made in the show.

I don't understand a lot of the changes that have been made in the show.

Semantics, but your words were better than mine. =)

Semantics, but your words were better than mine. =)

If I EVER cheer for Theon I will bow to Martin as The Best Author In The Universe.