I have the collection preordered (I want the physical version). Then I can still support Square and don’t have to feel bad for obtaining the extracted Trials of Mana rom and playing it on my actual Super Nintendo/crt :)
I have the collection preordered (I want the physical version). Then I can still support Square and don’t have to feel bad for obtaining the extracted Trials of Mana rom and playing it on my actual Super Nintendo/crt :)
I played a lot of the way through the fan translation of Trials of Mana back in the day, and I always assumed that the ugly menus and interface must have been a product of that translation. Sacrifices made, you know? Now we have the official version and it turns out that the game just has really ugly menus and…
well excuuuuuse me princess
Can hardly wait for Honeybee Inn and drag Cloud in glorious 4K.
This “Episodic series” will never be finished. Bet.
OK, so I’ve never played this, but games where I can just wander around, ignore the plot & make my own fun are my jam & this looks like that kind of game. Is this that kind of game?
A sequel in which Zelda is not kidnapped, sleeping, in hiding, or otherwise occupied but adventuring with link? And a Zelda game which has Link who is fully aware of who he is, who Zelda is? Freaking finally!
I am really hopping this game allows us to play as Zelda in some fashion, whether we play as both link and…
I hope they double down on the creepy as going by the trailer.
Sometimes, sequel are a good thing.
I so badly hope this is the general mood of the sequel because I am getting massive Majora’s Mask vibes and am always here for the darker Zelda entries.
I’m really stunned that Cyberpunk 2077 is coming next spring instead of having a cross-gen launch in November 2020. I’m almost hesitant to play it, as there’s a chance the new consoles play BC games better than the current hardware will (similar to the One X improving 360 games). Some of that may come down to devs…
I work in a different industry and my job involves me having advanced knowledge of future products. It really isn’t that hard to keep your mouth shut if you value having an income.
Or you could just wait until after the show or after each conference, when all that information is out there, and let the rest of us still have our fun. This seems to be no different, for you, than if a leaker tells you this information before each event.
Sabi sounds like an asshole going around ruining everbody else’s surprises.
God, I miss the combat from FFXIII. Just give me more of that without the 15 hours of tutorial on the front end.
First time I made Kool-Aid, I thought the little pack was for ONE glass, no sugar. It blew my entire face off. My confusion only grew when my older sister took the remaining liquid and poured it into a pitcher, adding a gang of sugar.
i used to not like barrett much purely because of how over the top mr t styled he was compared to everyone else. after seeing the translation series myself i realized if he was the more mature gruff fatherly role he seems to have meant to be, he would have been one of the best characters.
The trailer was pretty embarrassing on that front. Barrett was terrible then and they shouldn’t be making the same idiotic mistakes. It’s a remake. Remake it.
It was the work of one dude doing the localization, so I wouldn't see it necessarily as a rigid part of who he is since he's so different in the original Japanese. They could still be true to the source material if they just stick closer to how he was characterized in the Japanese version.
You understand that what you’re saying here is, “I love that the character is a black stereotype, that’s what I love about him the most, and if he isn’t represented as a stereotype then he’s ruined. I don’t want the game’s main POC to be portrayed in a modern, respectful manner; I want to maintain the racial…