Nintendo’s Piranha Plant DLC FAQ page
Nintendo’s Piranha Plant DLC FAQ page
No game has affected me more than RDR2. It made me cry more than any film, I think. Just a masterpiece of characterisation and ambitious game design.
I realize there have been somewhere around a million of these NSMB games, but if you haven’t tried New Super Mario Bros U, I would definitely recommend it. It’s a lot of fun!
Okay, real talk for a second: Lightning Returns rules.
Right? That critique confuses me. “Here’s a mode you can play every now and then to change things up; it’s long so the content lasts awhile.” Why is that a bad thing?
Most every non-Nintendo subreddit is pretty toxic these days. /r/spidermanps4 won’t stop whining about the lack of the Raimi suit, /r/battlefieldv is harassing devs over recent TTK changes, /r/thewitcher is mostly about bashing the netflix adaptation for being insufficiently white, /r/eu4 is accosting Paradox…
I think the difference is that now it seems to be common and accepted to think that, as a fan, I contribute and am a part of the development of media I like to a degree where I have input on the future direction of that media equally or more valuable than the people who actually create it. Basically, fans think they…
2018 was the year I happily embraced being a casual fan of many things and stepped away from the internet more and more. Its much more healthy to take a step back and embrace the physical and tangible rather then the digital. Turning away and turning off toxicity online was a very good skill I learned.
Towns tend to be the worst. I got roped in a town, but got out when he tried to tie me up. And then I blew that fucker’s head clean offt.
Oh the griefing is most certainly there, albeit there’s a much larger range to work with and it’s harder to corner people.
I absolutely adored Xenogears when it launched (I was sixteen at the time, and right at the age for the peak melodrama and quasi-religiosity of the thing), but it definitely sowed a bad habit of using ellipses in dialogue in me as a young writer.
Now, years later, I have to actively discourage it in my Rhet/Comp…
King K. Rool is by far my favorite. Fun to use and his moveset is a loyal callback to his appearances in DKC/DK64.
Yeah! That purple/uniform palette is the best!
So far Inkling Girl (purple hair / uniform to be exact) is my favorite new addition. Super fun to use and seems like it’ll take a bit to master, but scary once you do. Zelda and Peach are still the go to though.
lol so pretending they're golden gods it is then
Underrated comment
Same reason people hate a lot of things...