
Only people that mention President Barack Obama as half-white, are white people who need to convince themselves he’s an acceptable black man. He’s not racially ambiguous in looks or identity. The story of John Henry losses it’s depth if he isn’t US-black, African-American, or whatever form of black former slave you

I think this is the kind of thing that is easy to miss for white people, but I can almost guarantee you a black person in the team would have noticed this immediately.

As a black man, when given the option, I always play as a white woman so start with any of the female characters if you ask me.

You CDPR fanboys are something else. No one is shitting on CP2077, I’m saying I don’t want to play it because I don’t enjoy first person games. Shitting on games is what you were doing about Fallout 4 and Skyrim in your last few comments but I don’t care if you take the time to do it because it’s your life and your

Super Smash Bros.: “Leave Sakurai alone forever” Edition.

we know that The Quiet Man is... We know it stars a man.