PSN kingpsyz

And he’s also the one who jacked the phone from the McDonald’s employee...

My son was way too interested staring at girls breasts and asses at age 4, some kids just know exactly how they’re aligned early on.

UGH... When that happens ask to speak to the chef, then tell them your waiter doesn’t think it’s appropriate for a women to order a steak rare... There’s a good chance that waiter is gonna get shit down his neck.

The cheap ass likely budgeted for salads and water for the plus ones, good on you.

I’m not saying we should all start a gofundme for this chain, but I am saying I would dust off my resume for a position there...

Oh for fucks sake, you like rare meat AND GUINNESS? And you’re already married? Lucky them... (this is PSNkingpsyz, my work blocks facebook which is tied to that username, long story...)

I think we’re talking about two different things now, one the waitstaff doesn’t get to get upset with you. Two, it’s not about even being upset, it’s frustration, and sometimes if it’s a really good cut, it’s a chef’s responsibility to talk to someone before turning a $30 filet into a Croc. Or in the case of venison,

They’re gonna make skylanders seem god damned conservative when it comes to physical DLC aren’t they?

It’s sadness in a bun

Oh bless the age of entitlement, and “job creators”


And if you don’t like the way it’s prepared why would you come in? That’s why there’s more than one restaurant in the world...

Call it “You’re what’s wrong with your food”

I don’t think it’s offensive more than it’s frustrating and a high likelyhood that it’s going to come back, because we know it won’t taste as good once all the moisture is cooked out of it.

you’d be fine with a proper medium/med-well