PSN kingpsyz

I read that they used to use beets too, while not a fan I almost have to try it

Medium - Medium-Well is your friend

It’s funny there’s like a bell curve of tenderness.

That’s when I first learned the horrifying truth!

Thank you :)

Right? Shit they make play doh from it.

Because in good ice cream, the cookie dough won’t be rock hard... Real cookie dough doesn’t totally freeze. True story, as the BBQ chef in Yosemite back long long ago, I cooked on the back paddock near the walk in freezer outside (it was glorious) and I’d sneak in and eat the frozen cookie dough lumps from the burger

I’ve been to several places that only ask, pink or no pink

Personally, it’s usually in degrees of medium that they’re looking for. Because the longer it cooks, the tougher it gets. But some people like it a little rare, some people like pink but no blood, and some like a little pink. Those to me and most are within reason and retain flavor.

So you see what I mean.

Now if it’s like Carne Asada and marinated and beaten to shit, and then char grilled... It’s possible. Not easy, but possible.

Stop buying shitty ice “cream”...

Also please try asking them to make rare steak at Chipotle or more well done, because after the quizzical dog looks from the tortilla folder, I’m wondering what the cooks and 5000 people waiting behind you will finally say...

I’m going to tell you why it matters about steak and meat temperature in general. Because every one of those people who get all pissy about their temperature are usually god damned liars and cray cray.

lol... no

Curse you, you’ve spoiled one of the secrets. SHAME SSSSSSSSSSHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMEEEEEEE

This comment string and customers who forget we’re not robots, we’re not a smiling plastic clown. Food service is an interesting business, yes people pay for a service, but at the same time it’s a service that requires a bit of skill, a bit of creativity, and a bit of madness.

Anyone want to know why I retired from cooking now?

I retired at 28 if that tells you anything...

Now slightly undercooked ones are kind of the best of both worlds... Mmmmm cookies...