PSN kingpsyz

I'm in the middle of getting a new home built and was all over this until you said $600 for a friggin microwave...

Word, my blood sugar just spiked reading this...

Add my name to the list...


So then there was a leak in cooling tank #3?

If I had an extra $100 to blow on one I would

Yes they should have kept this under the rug where it belongs amirite?


Plus the xmas episode all but sealed the deal revealing that Ice King was once an anthropologist that bought the Ice King Crown from someone in Finland I believe.

It's dicknozzles like this that pushed me AWAY from fighting games and the arcade scene. I was pretty active through the nineties in my area, Samurai Showdown series, Mortal Kombat, SF vs XMen, Marvel vs Capcom, etc.

y'all best start believin' in troll post threads...


Actually... it's widely agreed that Mission Burrito is the first, but I don't know anyone can eat a proper one vertically.

I don't hate him, but this isn't about hate. This is about worst commentor right?

So does that mean he's eligible now?

So wait Matt, if Jesus is banned how is he posting here? Thereby he is still an active commentor and since he CHOOSES to get down in the dirt and post some of the comments he does he is absolutly eligible for said award.

well his base is known for being able to count to potato...

Ummm yeah Toyota just because the name of the company, the founder's name is Toyoda

Just enough room for YOUMAD

Wow it only took you two days to come up with that zinger? Did dad help with that one?