PSN kingpsyz

Another words, you got nothin'

Hey moron, did you notice your own quote? "Downhill coasting means nothing... Gotta go back up sometime (assuming you plan on coming home from vegas LOL :)" You seemed to forget I mentioned it being a round trip, I reminded you as much and I'm the moron?

If I can take a pic without killing my family while I am driving I will... Maybe get my girlfriend to take it. Won't be easy to get the speedometer and the current mileage in one shot but I will try.

I don't hate diesels or diesel fuel, I think they're great. When I can find a used TDI without the usual german electronics issues for a a decent price I'll probably jump on it... but since that isn't happening I'll stick with the Prius or something like it.

Did you catch where I said that was a round trip?

Actually last time I made the trip I was about 85-90mph the majority of the time. Once that little thing gets going it stays going very easily. I was driving 85 and getting 99.99 mpg because I was just maintaining speed at that point.

In fact, I am making the same trip in three weeks, if there was a way to document my fuel costs to your satisfaction I'd gladly do so.

That sounds about right, the thing about EPA testing on highway miles is it doesn't seem to take into account maintaining a constant speed over a long distance or all the fantastic downhill coasting on that drive.

the funny thing about pre-conceptions is how easily they're disproved...

Really? I took my family from Vegas to San Diego, up the coast to LA, and back to Vegas in a '05 Prius. Spent $40 on gas round trip.

Mine has an opening for the flash, fairly wide in fact, but the silicone still acts as a difuser for some of the light

so jealous!


case closed

they gave them away for free...

I'm not even kidding, I thought the Jesus going crazy on power and jack daniels was going to be the final push.

That's because those costumes have been out for several weeks now...

But these aren't aimed at the consumer level, this is aimed at an enterprise level.

So what do you use your textbooks for when not in school or doing homework?

It's a start, but is this really revolutionary?