PSN kingpsyz

I did walmart black friday last year, there were families pulling three to five carts and would basicaly wait near a display and then empty a display into the cart leaving NONE for anyone else.

you had to promote the derp didn't ya?

My son had the brilliant idea this morning that PSN, LIVE should also broadcast the alerts.

well he still owns the product so maybe farmers could still pay him for it.

Then it's not the phone for you...

I'm going to tashi station for some power converters and blue milk, need anything?

The congo is looking for citizens JUST LIKE YOU, move now...

I hate with a burning passion parents who do this. And not just the mailing part, the lets all make our kids sick and miserable with a very resiliant virus because it will make our lives easier than just vaccinating them for pox...

and that got you unstarred... good to see the pettiness spreads across all gawker sites...

Notice the crows in AC? Same as the cats it seems... Maybe those will be the switch off point to play in AC as Robin? Maybe a patch to do the same with Nightwing?

Didn't see it on the app store either


I'd feel a lot better about him playing this vs Halo or Left 4 Dead...


Toyota is adding it to several vehicles apparently, so it's far from dead

Far too young, fuck you cancer.

So according to you everyone who gets a free phone, or to be honest, any contract phone in the USA is an idiot according to you?

My point is that's not the way Casey framed his argument, and it's short sighted because it over looks the very large (I used to sell cell phones and contracts) market of customers that will ONLY consider a free handset.

Again, this applies to EVERY wireless phone in the United States... From Zach's brick to someone's 4G Droid...

opinion /= fact