PSN kingpsyz

Well then that goes for every single free phone, hell that goes the same for a phone you pay $200-$400 for... This is most most short sighted argument to come out of today's announcement...

I am getting one because my 3G won't make it another year and I might as well get the best I can to take me through the next 2 years...

That's not his point though... He's saying nobody should get a free iPhone... FREE.

Sorry rational people like us are just wrong and obviously Apple fanbois...

Oh that's cute... The only Apple product I have is a refurb 3G I got for $49.

Mmmmm mmmm mmmm... Nothing like some good ol' elitism on an iPhone announcement day, way to hold up the stereotype of iPhone users...


Well I thought it was funny, but I am old

This new trend of season passes for games that people are already paying $60 for needs to end. This is bad for the consumer and gives these publishers an excuse to push more content to DLC rather than included in the game.

Damn right, I haven't even gotten the funding or the LLC set up for a food truck I am working on and I already secured the twitter handle, gmail acct, and facebook page just to be sure.

And we're done here...

Just promoting your post is all...

So I take it you loved that card? t(>_<t)

They still entered someone's home, likely on illegal premises, and since the homeowner said as much that if he KNEW they were Apple employees he'd tell them to scram, yeah, I'm saying they still look like idiots and completely overstepping their bounds.

At least you live up your handle...

I would suggest the following, every year the week after his birthday (and usual release date of the films) everyone sends him the transcript of the speech certified mail so he has to acknowledge receipt...

It does impact the experience, see George's own take on the matter from 1988 in my post a few up

In George's own words circa 1988 in an address to congress (thanks Topless Robot):

FUCK YOU Reed Hastings, you know that's horseshit...

Because the gawker sites are broken through my work's websense, I have to reply to you, sorry...