PSN kingpsyz


The correct response is "A-HA! I knew it, thanks for the confirmation I'll be sure to tell your manager how helpful you were when I come back to buy mine *wink*"

How long do your car tires normally hold correct pressure with the air you pump in at the gas station?

damn... that's a pretty good idea

I have one, you mentioned motorized options down the line, what about remote control? seems with a little tinkering and frankensteining you could be able to control it via remote...

Honestly, I wish you were in Vegas because I would come work for you. Sounds like a great product, and a great vision moving forward.

If only you had invented this 17 years ago I could have tethered it behind me on my downhill longboard runs... that would be EPIC.

Because I don't own a gorilla pod or x pod already... Look at the kickstarter page.

Well if you want a discount, you need them... If I had $275 available I would have already ordered one...

I love it! So friggin rad, me likey lots. And I like he has plans for expansion.

Well I can't speak for bikes of course, but it has made a huge impact on cars using nitrogen filled tires re: MPG and reliability, as well as avoiding tire wear.

filling tires with nitrogen helps maintain a constant pressure as it's not effected by heat, cold, etc.

Oh yeah... and what if it's raining out or you go through a puddle? Water in the tire cannot be a good thing.

why not just use nitrogen? this seems like way too many points of failure... If the valve is damaged rapid loss of tire pressure, if the valve goes the other way will pop your tire at speed, or as you mentioned the lateral strain will tear the thing in half...

Hope you get your money back, I just think that gouging on tech is lousy. Just like I do with toys I want to buy my kids that employees steal and sell on ebay at a markup.

Giz is broken at work so I can only post if it's in reply to someone else...

And they're still not inviting you to the iPhone5 announcement...

If you have $300 to blow on tablets, you aren't that destitute... Just sayin'

ugh... You should be banhammered for that bullshit... I have people in my office trying to buy one for themselves and they're all sold out and flipped on ebay moments later...

Yeah it's a disaster waiting to happen, and while we don't get many direct quakes here a big one in CA could be felt here. Big enough and the strip is hosed.