PSN kingpsyz

ha, that's where a coworker's van was totaled after being stolen over the weekend...

About 5 minutes from Mandalay, so real close. Right by the Slidin Thru HQ on Paradise.

Yeah a bit of local perspective here, this thing has had problems all the way through. Somthing about the original design being scrapped because of a issue with the city, or the budget shortfall. Either way, they changed the design last minute and everything went to shit.

I live in Vegas someone lend me a camera for a day and I will take the day off to film it

Did you miss the part where he went on the run? He didn't merely "step down"

Yeah except if I mess up, I am not KILLING SOMEONE...

Are you new to the internet? There's video all over the place of the incident in question.

No they don't disrupting telecommunications signals is illegal, doesn't matter who throws the switch.

Shotting a handcuffed person laying on the ground in the back of the head is an execution... Considering their actions there, and with this ILLEGAL shutdown of cell service (hence the FCC investigation), I am seriously on the side of more fucked up shit when it comes to the recent death of the homeless person.

Yeah that was pretty much the best response, treat the classless assholes of BART with a little class and humor.

We had smaller scale ones in Yosemite on the tree stumps right around dusk in the summer time.

Something about increased bloodflow or something...

no, cesspool was perfectly cromulent there...

*adds to wishlist*

Yeah there were a few very legit complaints and reviews. More like Fuck You Blogger...

Armchair editing at it's finest!

Well at least one of you got it...

Be wary fellow starred commenters... Don't fall for the trap of responding to the trolls, homophobes, and other small minded types art posts tend to bring out. If we let their ignorance go unpromoted we've done our job for the night.

methadone is what heroin addicts take...

high five!