PSN kingpsyz

and could charge a premium as well!

This is true, I had a bagel shop back in Mannhattan Beach... California that would do their bagels the right way and they tasted like it.

Yet you lept at the chance to comment on someone who's life impacted you in no way whatsoever.

As a former Vegan, and sometimes recurring one at that. I don't have a problem telling people this. If you're gonna be all indignant about meat you better know what your diet consists of before throwing stones.

So nothing wrong with showing off PS3/360 gameplay as WiiU gameplay examples for you then?

Here's an idea, all the major sport franchises should get together and agree to something like if your town has a riot in response to a game your team is benched for a season...

You think this is hitting the $200-$300 price point?!

Far too late...

Ahh Nintendo, if you ever want to turn Platnium to Gold, give them a call...

Thanks all

I wonder how well the glass cleaner mix will work on my shower doors...

It's funny how you have no idea what you're talking about, only what the gaming blogosphere has force fed you for page clicks...

this is why they release press statements and if you try and speak for annon the real Annon will shut your shit down...

Does that mean it will make my PS3 Fat obese?

No, stop... I am tired of the "they're only human" response to ILLEGAL activities by police. If you don't know the job involves the chance that you or your coworkers may die violent deaths at any time, you're in the wrong field.

Do they make ANYTHING that isn't high priced and full of itself?

Don't mind me I'm just going to cry and rock silently in the corner while I look at my cracked case 3G iPhone that isn't up until October...

Oh it's ok, I am.

Ok that may take the crown, but the price point of this fuckup is keeping it ahead for me...