PSN kingpsyz

this is dumber than that, but not by much

ok, I saw a Sharon Angle interview once... but that's it

That's the dumbest fucking thing I have ever seen in my life, and I have seen some dumb shit.

Nope this has never happened before... We taking bets on when a refuting study comes out yet?

Yes but let's be realistic here, look at the state of tazer abuse by police now... Now we've given them license to punch someone with electricity. You really think a cop pointing their fist at a suspect saying "Smile you're on Candid Camera" is going to get them to get on their knees and surrender?

Non-Violent... That word, I don't think you know what that means...


Then you have no idea who Luke Cage is... GOOD DAY!

That and the guts is a portion of what makes the iPhone successful, the easy to use UI is the major component.


I'm gonna go on a limb and say two swings is what the home owner told responding law enforcement and medical teams. He of course neglecting to mention a solid 15 minutes of alternating blows from a sock full of quarters and a foot to the gut...

You may be on the wrong site, 1997ROX is two blogs over...

It sounds like it's for all day festivals so this would do a lot of good. Plus it keeps people using airtime so it's a win-win as it were.

His name is friggin' Stark... This is his destiny.

Just sayin'

I really thought I had a chance with this one, but I couldn't upload it til later in the day...

I share in your pain...

Honestly, I was hoping for a halo/ring flash... If they can figure that one out I'll be very happy.

Sort of, it seems the Number to Letter jump is always more signifigant design and feature wise though.

Good point!