
Good point, two wrongs don’t make a right. We can call Trump a hypocrite without being cruel.

What a piece of work, there’s a reason his kids turned out so much better than him, he wasn’t really involved in raising them.

What’s sad is that a majority of white collage educated women will vote for this guy because Fox News have somehow brainwashed them into thinking Hillary Clinton is the epitome of evil, instead of a boring, competent, slightly corrupt bureaucratic.

I know what the Federal Government says, I just happen to think that the government policy is well intentioned but misguided. And if an arrest takes years to make, then I think that speaks to the strength or lack thereof of the case.

Hello, I did read your comment, and I just disagreed with it. I really don’t think there’s a disparity in the way women are treated when it comes to be charged during a bad shoot. If there’s clear cut video evidence, like there was in Tulsa, then the cop is getting charged whether they’re white, black, latino, male,

Thanks for the long thought out reply, a lot of the examples you used for how it would be a logistical headache to separate the two students does give me a deeper understanding on how the system works. Having said that, they’re not insurmountable. For example with the cafe, both students could just make a schedule and

“That you believe one rape victim doesn’t make you a feminist”. So basically you critera for being a feminist is everyone that agrees with you, and those that don’t agree aren’t? Am I getting that right?

“In addition to that, most colleges now leave the investigating portion for non-consensual sex up to external trained legal investigators”.

Now playing

“That you care and advocate for this vanishingly small number of men who are already amply believed and defended and give not a whit of care about the victims says a lot about you.” Citation needed.

She believes in equality of the sexes. How is she not a feminist? I”ve read her for years too, and nowhere can I remember her saying that men should earn more, or be allowed to sexually harass women, or that abortion should be illegal.

Now playing

“That you care and advocate for this vanishingly small number of men who are already amply believed and defended and give not a whit of care about the victims says a lot about you.” Citation needed.

“And Emily Yoffe is a notorious rape apologist and victim blamer and that article is absolute crap.”

“The DOJ and Justice organization nationwide have stats on rape and false accusations and they prove that this red herring stinks to high heaven”.

All those examples you listed, with the exception of selling drugs are serious felonies. Furthermore those things you listed are sort of easy to investigate and deal with. Rape is not. Rape is notoriously hard to investigate, and colleges bungle it all the time. Plus it’s one thing to be kicked out of school for

She’s getting charged not because of sexism, but because of video evidence. White men like Michael Slager get charged to when their is definitive video evidence. 

“funny of ALL these cases it’s only a woman that gets questioned.”

Have you forgetting about Michael Slager? He was swiftly charged for murder once the video of him shooting a unarmed black man in the back came out. She got thrown under the bus because of video evidence that is indisputable, not because she’s a women. 

Your assuming that everyone accused is guilty. That’s an issue. That assumption, coupled with inadequate training by the university administration to investigate these felonies has and will lead to injustices.

Switching out classes and separating the accused from the accuser should be standard practice. If it were just limited to this, then I don’t think anyone would have a problem how’s its handled. The issue is that it doesn’t stop at that, and often leads to expulsion, which can ruin a innocent kids life without proper

The idea that Academia should be investigating serious felonies is absurd. School administrators are not trained, nor should they be, to be detectives. Once a sexual assualt or rape is brought forward by a victim, the school should separate them on campus, provide medical and emotional support for the alleged victim