
If something as serious as sexual assault occurs, then let due process through the courts handle the criminal proceedings, and then have the school administration determine any honor code violations that come out during the trial.

It freaking absurd that people seem to think Honor Code suspensions are an adequate

Colleges are not and should not be beholden to due process for honor code violations. It’s more akin to the burden of proof for civil case.

Yes, but that is a nuanced position and such positions often seem unwelcome here.

DeVos is a clown and a moron, but the ways schools handle sexual harassment and rape claims is not Due Process and it is not fair or reasonable to anyone involved. As long as Rape and Harassment are crimes, they should be treated like crimes and anyone accused should have the same protections as anyone else accused of

Can one oppose DeVos/Trump and still think the Obama-era Title IX instructions went too far? There’s plenty of evidence of specific abuse (“weaponized Title IX,” as DeVos calls it) - is there any countervailing evidence that the new policies have helped victims?

Isn’t this the same cancer that killed Ted Kennedy? I think he passed away a little over a year after his diagnosis.

I met him once at a campaign event when he was running for President (long story and a weird night...I was essentially an undercover Democrat), and this was after encountering him at random times as an intern in Congress. I was always disappointed by his politics, but not by him. There’s a reason he was popular with

I was an intern in the Senate in college and one day we interns were treated to lunch in the Senate dining room (a more formal place where you have to eat with a Senator). All of us interns were traditional students at major universities, except one guy who was in his early 30s, in community college after serving in

My father had brain cancer, and the way John talked reminded me of him it made me cry.

My first thought, too. I was sure after that hearing he either had a tumor or advanced dementia. This is why we should ask questions about the mental and physical health of our leaders when things seem obviously amiss!!

He has the same type of brain cancer that killed Ted Kennedy and Joe Biden’s son, Beau. It’s aggressive and very difficult to survive. What an awful way to go.

[With the enormous caveat that of course I disagree with a majority of his policies:]

Glioblastomas are just a bad way to go, and you will definitely go from them in a fairly short time period. I’m so sorry for him and his family.

You may disagree with him politically, but anybody who went through what he did in Vietnam deserved to die in his sleep after a long retirement.

Could this explain his strange questioning during the Comey hearing?

There’s a cruel irony that a glioblastoma is what took down Ted Kennedy just as the ACA was being negotiated.

Really interesting piece. I spent time at Greenhaven (just visiting!) from around 1998-2003 as a journalist. Kevin Rooney (Tyson’s former trainer) used to bring boxers from the Catskill gym in for sparring. He thought it prepared them for real fights, and he was right. Mr. Genis must have known the head of the

I think the prevailing view of Americans toward convicts and prisons is appalling. Folks seem to hold the view that if you are convicted of one single crime, your every last shred of humanity should be forfeit. I really cannot understand the compulsion to treat petty criminals like wild animals. How can people have so

It depends on the goal of prison. If the goal is that prisoners not commit crimes once they come out, this is a terrible idea. The most effective means to reduce recidivism has been to help prisoners get ready for life outside prison walls—work programs, GED classes, resources to prepare for licensing programs,

Damn. This was fantastic.

Yeah, screw all that research that has shown that this causes far higher rates of recidivism and ends up costing far more in dealing with the now life-long criminal. And ignore all that research that shows that these types of prisons have basically zero deterrence value over any 'club fed'. So basically if we want