
I remember reading about that story on Jezebel. Huge difference between giving someone access to pills and berating someone repeatedly to kill themselves.

Interesting, I’m guessing that even with the lower legal threshold in civil court, it’s going to prove a preponderance of evidence that Carrey know she would kill herself with his pills.

Thanks for the link. I’m not a legal expert by any means. So you could very well be right. Having said that, I’m against holding anyone legally responsible for supplying drugs that leads to others death. Unless someone knowingly gives someone tainted drugs, I think the responsibility lies on the person taking said

Even if Jim Carrey did get the pills for her, she and she alone is responsible for taking her own life. Nobody can make anybody commit suicide. Blaming Carrey for White suicide is like blaming a widow for supplying unending amounts of unhealthy food to a spouse that died of a heart attack.

“But preferring to stick to the main point as opposed to risk doing something that might make you even more defensive & belligerent than you already were, I didn’t do that.” Having an opinion is being belligerent?

I was speaking more in general. For example, Meghan Kelly is actually very articulate and intilligent. She was a lawyer for example before she become a talking head.

Do you say the same thing to all of the women who drool over Ryan Loche? Should I say thanks for the unnecessary clit update?

I could say the same thing for all of the women who drool over men in the comment threads. But I don’t because that would be rude.

Meghan Kelly is actually very smart and intelligent. Not all of Fox News eye candy are bimbos. What I take issue with is that at least at Fox, it’s not enough to be brilliant, you have to be gorgeous as well. Which I think is unfair since the men over there aren’t held to the same standard.

Check my commenting history not a troll. Been on Jezebel for months. Also nice straw-man, I’ve already said Fox News is sexist, what are we arguing about? I agree with you lol, Fox News is garbage and sexist.

What about women who drooled over Brian Williams, Peter Jennings, David Muir ect? Are they part of the problem too? After all most news anchors for the big networks are dreamboats as well. Nothing wrong with being attracted to attractive people.

I’ll admit it, despite being a hardcore democrat I find bleach blond conservatives women very attractive. There’s just something about having gorgeous women who are articulate and intelligent spout hot takes that I find irresistible. I think the only liberal women that I had a crush on was Racheal Maddows until I

This is one of the more egregious examples of a straw-man argument I’ve seen in a while.

Love is a choice. Gilbert choose to not love her husband anymore. It’s a choice she’s allowed to make of course, but don’t pretend that it’s some tragic circumstance which she can’t control. Unless her husband turned into a total tool and started treated her badly then she choose to end her perfectly functional

I do, because that is what society has deemed appropriate. What do you want Brock to do, volunteer for more jail time? Even if he did the state wouldn’t let him spend more time, prison isn’t voluntary.

Spitting on someone is physical violence, it’s also battery I believe in most states. Your suggestion is disgusting. Brock Turner is still as human being, and has served his debt to society. He doesn’t deserve to be assaulted, in fact nobody does, which is why we have laws against it. sad

At a certain point, people that have committed crimes need to be able to move on with their lives. Did Nate Parker rape that girl, I say yes.

Woody Allen has never been convicted of molesting his daughter, the courts looked into at the time, they found nothing. If Woody Allen really was a pedophile, he would’ve molested more kids and would’ve been caught. Personally I think he’s a creep that married his step-daughter, but they seem happy and have been

I feel sick just looking at it.

Ryan Reynolds isn’t ageing well. Or maybe he’s ageing normally which counts as badly in Hollywood land and expectations. But he looks older than 39 with the glasses and grey hair combo, not a good look for him.