
Irrelevant the discussion. Both men and women get raped. If you don’t believe me, check out the military. More men are raped than women due to sheer numbers.

First off, I’m so sorry that happened to you. What a violation. I hope you’ve gotten the help and resources to cope with your horrible violation.

If the Baylor school administration really ignored reports of rape, or discouraged victimized students from reporting, I hope they get financially wrecked for their immoral actions.

Erased because I somehow posted on the wrong article. For once I’m glad I’m in the greys.

“Ailes demanded that she engage in sadomasochistic sex with another woman while he watched.” Aisles has gone from a run of the mill harasser to predator. This is fox news, the channel of “family values”. Disgusting, absolutely disgusting.

I doubt an exasperated hyperbolic over-the-top comment regarding hating all Muslims or all blacks would fly around here. And if it’s not ok to say you hate all Muslims, or all blacks, then why is it ok for saying it about men?

So being against sexism makes me part of the problem? Would you be ok with a commentator saying that they hate all Muslims in a terrorist attack thread, or a commentator saying they hate all blacks?

I think the only one embarrassing themselves is you write now. How about making an actual argument on why my position is wrong, with resorting to using profanity.

“If you want to write about your hatred of women, go ahead.” Are you going to ask me how often I beat my wife next? If you want to have an intelligent discussion, then I encourage you to actually put forth real arguments instead of logical fallacies.

Would you feel the same way if I wrote I hate women on the article about the women who killed her two daughters. It’s just venting right?

Two wrongs don’t make a right, and hate is never justified. Furthermore, feminism is just a man’s movement as it is a women’s movement. The patriarchy hurts both genders, and it isn’t productive for women feminist to be sexist against men. It just confuses the message.

I’m a man, the poster says she hates all men, ergo the comment is directed at me.

So I’m a man, do you hate me? A feminist man, who’s campaigning for our first female president. Who supports gender equality, and will work to get it. Do I deserve to be hated?

Unfortunately due to the statue of limitations, that might be all of the justice he ever gets.

All men feel that way? You can speak for an entire gender? If you replace men with blacks, women, latinos, you would be called out for bigotry.

As do I, it’s disgusting that he got away with sexually harassing and in some cases abuses women for so long. I hope he get fired and his reputation tarnished.

I would polity ask that you be more careful with your language. As a feminist white male, I find your language sexist. It’s not acceptable to make broad generalization of African-Americans, Latinos, Muslims and other groups. It shouldn’t be acceptable to do the same for men.

Dallas is a very progressive city, and has one of the lowest murder rates in the country for a big city. Apparently the police also were progressive and had a good relationship with the community.

According to the police chief, at least one of the suspects was a women. Can’t entirely blame men for this tragedy.

Ok I think I see your position, since the sept tortured others you think it’s fair that she get tortured in return, but since Cersei wasn’t raped, it wouldn’t be fair for the sept to get raped as well as tortured.