
I’ve never really been a huge fan of the GoT soundtrack. Not that I think it’s bad mind you, just that the tracks haven’t really stood out, rain of castamere being the exception. But this track is legitimately amazing, such a hauntingly beautiful, ethereal piece of music. Bravo on the composer for making something so

I’m having a hard time with this distinction. Why are you ok with the septa getting horribly tortured but being raped is somehow beyond the pale? Is being raped worse than being horribly mutilated somehow? I think they’re both awful, and that nobody deserves it.

I’m psyched that things are finally happening. At the very least the mother of dragons decided to get her butt in gear and finally get to Westeros. Hopefully next season the whitewalkers will as well.

Men should be able to leave their keys in their cars with their wallet in plain view in a bad neighborhood without being robbed right? After all, there never is an excuse for robbery and giving those same men common sense advice is victim blaming right?

Agree but when women are horribly murdered by their spouses or boyfriends, commenters don’t crack jokes and are rightfully distressed and outraged. The prevailing emotion is anger and sadness, not levity. As it should be. Women getting murdered by domestic violence is all too common.

Are you applauding her brutally killing her husband in cold blood? Do you support domestic violence as long as it’s committed by a women?

Not funny or appropriate. Would you be making the same joke if it was a women who was defenseless and possibly drugged, couldn’t call out for help because of a trachea surgery, and was brutally murdered and then fed to the family dogs? This is the sickest form of domestic violence yet you think it’s funny?

It’s not funny. And if this had been a women who couldn’t speak and was killed and fed to the dogs Jezebel and people commenting wouldn’t dare mock the story. Making jokes about a man who was brutally murdered is disgusting. The jokes and the picture are in bad taste.

Death threats aren’t a form of bullying? Furthermore do you think that women who are threatened with rape and death on the internet are overreacting as well?

So more insults, I think you’re more like Trump then you like to admit. Even if you disagree with his policies, you sure like to use his methods.

Compared to Trump they are. Cruz supporters aren’t sending death threats to journalist that write negative stories about Cruz. Don’t make me defend the guy though, I really dislike him. I actually think he’s more radical than Trump.

It’s illegal to shut down roads. And btw, the roads they were blocking lead to a hospital. Not everyone was heading to a Trump rally.

Good point, I don’t know for sure it was liberals who were sending the alleged death threats. But conservatives, as much as they dislike Trump, don’t shut down roads and bully his supporters. And think about it, most of the radical reactionary people in the republican party, the ones who like to bully people with

It’s the height of irony that so called liberals, in opposition of an ignorant bully, act like ignorant bullies themselves in bullying an person that believes differently then them.

I’m impressed with Meghan Kelly’s professionalism. She’s clearly disgusted by the man, yet comes across as fairly neutral most of the time.

Her sketches are excellent. Off the top of my head, I really liked the realistic life of a princess sketch, and I still have the girl you need makeup song stuck in my head.

Jude Law got caught cheating in August of 2005. The year in which he was overexposed was 2004. He had 6 movies out that year!! Also he didn’t even have a movie come out in 2005 so I think the backlash was already in effect before the cheating scandal. Having said that, the scandal probably made people like him even

That’s not necessarily true. Male actors can get over exposed too. Remember the year when Jude Law seemed to be in every other movie? What has happened to his career? It seems people certainly got sick of him.

It’s because your green fur clashes with your white fur. Get complementary colors on your fur and I’m sure your love life will take off.

I disagree about Jessica Jones, I thought it was inconsistent at times, but I don’t think it petered out towards the end.