
I really don’t like her, but no, she is not responsible for the murder of those three people are. The shooter is, and the shooter alone.

The bear attack was fair game because it was featured in the trailer and was common knowledge. The other points he brought up, not so much.

I got spoiled for the climatic death in GoT Season 1. Knowing the outcome in that instance totally ruined that plot point for me. I think in most cases knowing things in advance lessens the enjoyment of them.

Spotlight was great, the movie somehow made investigative journalism riveting.

I’ve seen this attitude on Jezebel a lot. I remember when Celine Dion husband died that it seemed that half of the comments were how her husband groomed her and that he was a sexual predator.

Good post but please put spoilers tags before you discuss plot point from the movie. I haven’t seen it yet.

In Soviet Russia, you don’t hit car, car hits you.

That’s the name of the game though right? I mean even Racheal Maddows show gets hijacked for electoral coverage. I can see why it’s frustrating but she should’ve handled it better.

Donald Trump is the best thing to happen to the Democratic party in a long time. I for one can’t wait to see the Republicans not only lose the presidency, but the Senate, against a weak vulnerable candidate.

The only reason I ever watch cable news is for the election coverage. It’s not unreasonable to preempt lower rated programs for higher rated ones.

It’s unfortunate that she’s lost her show but really, she did it herself. You don’t publicly bad mouth your employer no matter how frustrated you are with their decisions.

She was convicted for assaulting a student, before that she cursed out a cop. I think her firing was very justified.

Hey I would never vote for any them, but at least they’re entertaining! The democrat debates are boring in comparison, what with their boring talk about issues that matter to country, Bah! Give me Trump calling calling Rubio a choker and then turning to his right and calling Cruz a liar!

Absolutely disgusting, hopefully this century will be less tolerant of child abuse than the last.

Thanks for the recommendation! Going to binge on the show now, looks interesting.

Agree, she does look almost exactly the same. The only difference is that she has less freckles. She does look different in the instagram pictures but I think that is due to her letting her hair down, which is a new look for her. Really changes how her face is framed.

That is not what I’m saying at all. I also think your being disingenuous to ask me that question. But for the record, I don’t think it’s ever ok to rape.

My rule actually works for all crimes. Why should I decide a producer is a thief just because one person accused him of theft without any definitive evidence proving the crime? Now if he’s convicted in the court of law, or in civil court then I wouldn’t need additional accusations to ascertain that his guilty. However

Classy. How fun playing in the mud, I won’t join you.

Reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit I take it? Why don’t you reread my posts so you can realize that I never implied that.