
I’m sorry you were assaulted. I hope you have the love and support of family and friends to get through such a difficult experience.

Whatever, like Ubisoft is perfect. If they stole from CD Projek Red I would be more upset.

Bad idea! Trump is going to be the best thing to happen to Democrats in a long time! Let him run and not only lose the presidency, but help Democrats win the Senate as well.

You could say the same thing about all crime accusations. Do you support proclaiming black men guilty of any crime their accused of before a trial or compelling proof?

How is it silly to take and wait and see approach when someone has been accused of a crime? If someone is involved in human trafficking then the courts are going to settle the question of innocence or guilt.

I’m sorry that happened to your friend. Rape is a horrible crime and I hope she gets some good therapy. As for the rest of your post, I’m just going to ignore it. I don’t know how to argue with people with it comes to rape that has happened to them or their friends without coming across as an insensitive.

No I’m not saying that at all. You’re asking me a loaded question, a logical fallacy. It’s like asking me how often I beat my wife.

How will his rep be fine? If the police never investigate and clear him of the charges, how will he ever be free of the allegations? This rape allegation is going to be a stain that never leaves him. If he’s guilty that stain is well deserved , but if he’s not, then it’s a tragedy.

Trump is the weakest candidate out there. Cruz is a jerk, but he’s brilliant and a great debater. Trump is a buffoon, and educated Americans are going to see right through his schtich.

One of these days some poor swatting victim is going to get killed by the police. I’m so glad that the laws are slowly changing to make swatting a much more serious offense.

I’ve been saying for a while that Trump is Fox New’s Frankenstein monster turning against his creator and wrecking the place. Good! Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh have it coming for radicalizing their listeners.

Good point, serial rapists and abusers typically don’t stick to one victim, but have a pattern of behavior.

So people that have a different opinion than you equal troll now? I’m a long time reader of Jezebel and part of the reason I’ve held off starting a new account to post on Jezebel is because anybody does has a different opinion get ostracized.

I’ve been lurking on Jezebel for months and never bothered making an account. So yes all of my comments are related to this article. We all have to start somewhere. Furthermore me saying something that you don’t like doesn’t make me a troll. The fact that you accuse me of being Dr. Luke is just laughable if you’re

Three is the compromise I’ve made with myself for judging a public figure guilty without the benefit of a trial. One women falsely accusing a guy of rape is rare, two is extremely rare, three is verging on impossible.

Gossip sites aren’t conclusive proof that a guy is a serial abusers. At most what they say is hearsay, rumor, and innuendo.

Prince shot himself in the foot with his career as well, turning his name into a symbol, and releasing several lackluster albums to get out of his contracts. All because he hated his contract. Kesha putting her career at risk because she hates her record label and wants out of her contract isn’t proof that Luke raped

“there’s more than enough to believe Luke is a phenomenal pile of shit.”

I personally have a rule. If three or more women accuse a man of sexual abuse than I’m going to judge the man guilty. Works pretty well, Cosby, James Deen, Jian Ghomeshi. All of them have multiple women accuse them of sexual impropriety. The chances of them being innocent and the victim of a grand conspiracy are

I really don’t get the reflexive support from the Jezebel community of Kesha. We have no hard proof that he abused or raped her, and Kesha has already admitted to lying in court. I’m not saying we should brand her a liar, but I do think that taking a wait and see approach is warranted before destroying Dr.Luke’s