
My only problem with the way Glenn survived is that I have never in my life seen a dumpster that sits that high off the ground.

Exactly when have I fought against equality? Please show me. Oh that's right, you can't. Because I haven't.

Please tell me what those sexist beliefs are. I'm honestly curious.

How is supporting women's right to abortion, equal rights and the right to pursue any career they want misogyny? Because so far it looks like you're labeling me a misogynist because I don't support 100% of feminism.

Well I'm sorry that I don't just drink the kool-aid of any group that's out there. I choose to pick the parts I agree with and speak out against the parts I don't. If that makes me a douchebag then that's just too bad.

Let's see, I've argued in favour of the right to abortions & I've called people raping pieces of ____. But I've also argued the other side of the debate when I saw it necessary. But I guess in your eyes it's a case of "how dare you speak against feminists." If you could be bothered to actually look through my profile,

I never said a damn thing about them not deserving equality. But you just go ahead and continue trying to misrepresent anyone that disagrees with you.

I guess the countless times I've seen it online or heard it in person never happened then huh?

For pointing out the double standard between how people treat men and women when it comes to unwanted pregnancies? I don't think so.

No I had it right the first time. You label anyone that disagrees with you a misogynist. Tell me, would a misogynist think that women should have the right to abortions? Or the right to work in any career they want? Or the right to have all the same rights as men? Because I certainly think all those things. I just

We Hunted The Mammoth, RawStory, Salon, truly level and unbiased sources.

There you go again. Label anyone that disagrees with you a misogynist. I'm sure I could make a similar argument about your commenting history. Would you look at that, I can't because you have a private profile. So brave.

Or she's looked into it and found that many of their claims don't hold water.

Would it make a difference if I linked to a Whitehouse report that showed the same thing? How about a Harvard Business Review article?

Opinion pieces that link to sources to backup their claims.

Hmmmm, I wonder why she would no longer identify as a feminist?

Notice how that entire report talks about earnings, not pay? There's a difference.

Yes it is.

When exactly has she opposed equal rights? Not being an ass, I'm seriously asking because I haven't seen it.