
over half a decade thats a pretty long time...its newsworthy, but hes done his time, and has been a model citizen since, the Oregonian has had this for sometime and released it before the super regional, fishing for reading and views. Also I didn’t realize that newspapers were the the Judge and Jury on Moral

As an Oregonian, this all made sense once I read “Puyallup.”

I know enough people who’ve suffered childhood sexual abuse that it’s hard to have any sympathy for the perpetrators. But the good thing about being busted for it when he’s only 15 (one would hope) is that there’s still time to rehab while still in adolescence, and not have the behavior pattern reinforced as an adult.

As a parent this is my worst nightmare. But, if he completed his sentence, are we complaining about the sentence being too short/weak or are we basically giving up on people being able to rehabilitate themselves and living their lives. Even teenagers.

It sickens me to see such a solemn holiday cheapened to sell - oh

Far be it for me to criticize Richard Sherman, but if he’s still going to be grumpy with Wilson about SB 49 he might want to consider that they had a 10 point lead in the 4th quarter of that game and his number 1, bad-ass, we-never-take-blame-for-anything defense couldn’t hold it. 

Wait, is this one sarcasm too? Now I’m confused.

Fuck off, troll.

Ever heard of sarcasm?

It’s probably LaVar Ball you idiot

3 rings in 5 years forgives a lot of sins. As bad as the Giants are right now, and as hilariously predictable last year’s post-season went for the team, there isn’t that dread or desperation or utter hopelessness that existed in the past. 3 parades. I’m good. Fuck the dodgers.

Charlie Strong should have been a little more specific when he told Jackson he was giving him a second chance after the first incident.

I noticed in the article that it says Berman, “faked car trouble in order to ask her out on a breakfast date.” I never heard that story before. As guys, I guess we always do the most absurd or juvenile things to get a girl. Maybe she was faking an accident to get him back, back, back...

Agreed. She couldn’t afford something newer/better than a 2003 Lexus SC430?

Just adding objective information on what is happening in the background to show that racism was not the cause of getting bumped. I was not there so I can only guess based on my experiences in life as to what occurred afterwards. Many events in life play out based on one assesses and approaches the situation. From

For the longest time I always thought that footage was a snuff film.