
Maybe they’ll just have different numbers so it won’t be so confusing.

you didn’t think he was obviously pretending to pass out? and yelling at the cops while being arrested is you know inadvisable? Cops give you so many examples of racism, this one is questionable. He was threatening to kill someone out of road rage? When we say ex nfl player... doesn’t seem like he played a lot of

Most fiat currencies are no more real than cryptocurrencies. They no longer represent gold (or anything similar) and most of the entries on any given institution’s leger are no more than digital entries; there aren’t even any corresponding paper notes. Of course, you COULD ask for your current account to be given to

So if I were to offer to legitimately give you 1 BTC you wouldn’t be excited? I bet it would have value then.

Just another person to add to that Witch...Pursuit thing.

The quarterback that started those games is by every definition, the starter.

And yet another Iowa fan can’t let Iowa State have a moment without having to shit all over it. When did you attend the University of Iowa, or did you just stop at WalMart to pickup that shirt?

David Blanal always amazes me.

David Blanal.

I was 19 when South Park first came on. I was a casual fan. What the show is doing now isn’t so much fixing itself, or even going after white people specifically (other than those who want everyone to “check their privilege”), but rather being the cynical optimist that those of us from Gen X typically are. Ten years

I actually think it’s the opposite?

I would argue that they are making fun more of the absurdity and hypocrisy surrounding “people who care”. There is a difference between believing/supporting something and being a fanatic.

Thank for mansplaining that to me

You PC Bro!


I feel it’s more of Cosby apologists and not rape apologists holding up the decision.

I always think of Def Leppard.

Oskar Schindler was still a Nazi.

Nick Brandt's best friend is his mother.