
Not ever realizing that they purposely made connections as I was describing the show to a friend. I basically said imagine if the Goonies met E.T., and E.T. could reach the “other side” with a Poltergeist that looked like a Face-hugging Xenomorph.

Thank you for this. You just rekindled a flame. I will now be spending the weekend taking Iowa State all the way.

This is a lie. No woman in her 60s knows how to properly utilize a comment section.

Drew, I’ve mentioned this numerous times. The Seahawks play Moneyball. How is this still a mystery?

I know you planned it. +1

Seriously. You would think they have actual military training.

Not just that they were one-dimensional but also that they had to rely almost entirely on their defense and special teams to win games.

Do you just sit on deadspin all day refreshing the page to be the first to write a comment on an article without even reading?


Just like guns kill people? Not the people holding the guns?

Child Molestation Camp.

Don’t strain your rotator cuff patting yourself on the back for this comment.

Still a hoax.

Going on a talk show doesn’t validate her or the cops bad acting. Nothing happened in Minnesota. Nothing. Take the time to examine the entire video. This is all fake.

You forgot to add the Seattle Mariners to non-genius.

As if Rovell wasn’t insufferable enough. He’ll definitely strain his rotator cuff patting himself on the back for this one.

Quite a few masturbatory references this week. Things a little rough on the home-front, Drew?

Lamar. Javelin.