
This isn’t a violent video, it’s a hoax.

I was 5.


It was never Fincher’s call. He came in at the 11th hour after the previous director left and there still wasn’t a finished script.

The real tragedy is that he had a portable DVD player. Surely if you can afford a Tesla, you can afford a Kindle Fire.

They are on ships.

Wake up sheeple!

...once the population reaches a determined level, then the rich enter into a draft to select among the homeless they want on their “team.” After which they compete in a series of competitions on remote islands or territories throughout the world in the ultimate hunt and/or survival game. For all the others, the “team

Griffey milked the prank...

Anybody who uses that stupid filter on their pictures deserves to be shot.


He turned in the best performance in The Dark Knight Rises despite being burdened with a dumbass mask and a weird vocalizer...

Only if it includes Matt Damon.

You choose to make sports, movies, tv shows, etc. political.

I think they took a page from the Audi RS7 design.

Hoiberg already making room for Monte Morris.

Greg Oden. Taken before Kevin Durant. I would put him up against Bradley as the TOAD. (Turd of all drafts)

Watching the Ramsey beat down, I started to think he might take an ‘Angel Face’ type beat down a la ‘Fight Club’—and it was close. In fact, Sansa sort of hovered over like Tyler Durden, only she more-or-less approved of breaking the rules of Fight Club.

You should really consider using hyphens.

“That’s cute.”