
The older you get the better you were.

“The Mariners Just Can’t Stop Slappin Dingers”

Baseball players don’t mysteriously fall to the ground in anguish every 3 minutes.

It’s called bad acting.

Kelly A Cup Trik

The crossover on Antonio Daniels is deserving of the #1 spot. He made him breakdance.

This dude played WOMEN’S soccer?!

I get my religions confused—but shouldn't she be stoned, beheaded, and/or ‘drawn and quartered’ for crossdressing and getting mouthy?


There are plenty of health and sanitary reasons to shave and/or cut ones hair.

It’s the way of the west—a horse for every man.

Hi 2014, welcome to the future.

Now playing

Can’t believe there wasn’t at least one reference to ‘Snatch’

Forget about being in water, go try and stomp a windshield in and see how that works out. Doing it from the inside it practically pops right off.

The USS Roosevelt is a Destroyer.

Anyone that says they caught the three-fingered gesture because, [insert any reference to Germany] and knew it was relevant is lying.

It’s the new normal.