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I think E-40 and the rest of the Click have something to say about your post.

When are people going to learn to just compartmentalize their issues like a normal victim and move on?

“Only narcissists quote themselves.”

Trying? He’s been doing it since USC.

Race car drivers aren’t trying to get into head-on collisions intentionally

It sounds like a high school game without commentary—which is basically what soccer is.

Shut the fuck up Donny!

I’m calling bullshit on that.

Since I already have the algorithms set up, I decided to do a little text analytics with this entire comment.

I wouldn’t call somebody that gets fired from a grocery store, “entitled”.

When are you guys posting the highlight?

Is “Emmitt Smith’s Lock Of The Week! racist?

Only the 49ers’ alumni have seemed to conduct themselves fairly well. Young is a great analyst, Rice is just happy to be around, and Montana is great in interviews because you can tell he just doesn’t really give a shit about the past. Other than to rip into the movie “Rudy”. Which is great. I hate that movie.

Obviously players just need some of Butters’ Creamy Goo.

He does get a lot of shots off in people’s faces.

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I guess she was done with her cup of tea, but he REALLY wanted her to drink more.

I just looked at a few of her pics and she looks like a psycho bitch.

I can’t wait for the Seahawks fan that pens a letter to Deadspin to let them know what other team Paul Allen owns.

Drake is everywhere.

Right on! Then those same people just go to blogs and write comments!