How else are black actors supposed to get parts?!
How else are black actors supposed to get parts?!
Whose petition is that?
What game did you watch? There was one defensive touchdown and a subsequent field goal off of the other interception.
You can never take down the stiff arm of the law.
Just go ahead and gloss over that loss to Iowa State.
The sumo stance shortens the thigh segment relative to the trunk, you don’t have to lean over as much to get the scapula directly over the bar. In other words, sumo automatically allows for a more upright back angle that requires far less lower back strength to maintain.
That dude is either trolling or has no clue what he is talking about—or both.
Shoulder shrug? 30 second deadlift? LOL do you even lift? You don’t shrug your shoulders, you lockout your hips. He rounds his upper back and moves his shoulders forward to make it easier to break the floor. This in turn makes the top of the lift harder. Sumo lifters usually have a straighter back, making it easier…
You just ruined this position for me.
You must be new.
But why post the video?
He focused his famously two-colored eyes on me...
What if, instead of kicking the ball, the punter threw the ball, Hail Mary-style, toward the kick returner?
5. Grape. Artificial grape flavor is so consistent. If I eat Welch’s grape fruit snacks and then wash it down with Welch’s soda, I get the same flavor profile! IT’S A MODERN MIRACLE.
As a white male, I see nothing wrong with this.
It has nothing to do with the ten vote limit. If anything, it should be ten vote mandatory. There was a writer that only put Griffey and Kent on his ballot.