
Anyone know if he got to "Roquan out" before he deleted it?

So this bracket challenge is basically three variations of chips and nuts. Lame.

That face...

Now playing

Packers fans can now watch this highlight with mixed emotions:

In "The Dark Knight Returns" a nuclear explosion nearly kills Superman, ultimately weakening him.

What's $6,849 a day when you're making, say—$20,000 a day? Not very different than someone making $74,000 a year paying $2000 a month in rent (me). It's all relative. Although, I do have a balcony. Suck it billionaires!

Just another case of PEDs* in sports.

Watch for the "Burger King" entering the shot @ 00:39

Then the Cowboys would have lost to the Bears. Not much different really.

Cheez-its + Mountain Dew = Crazy Delicious

This guy should go to rehab. He shouldn't be beating people up for cocaine.


Does the "tuck rule" apply in this case? I think he may have been trying to put the guns away.

What about their racists depiction of Canadians, you uncle fucker?!

That planned parenthood one is hilarious in it's absurdity. Even more so, because I shared that on facebook when it came out—and those bible-thumping "friends" from high school that I had, lost their collective minds over it. It's called levity, and in the right light, everything can be made into a joke.

You clearly haven't seen "Two Days, One Night." Marion Cotillard is the only real actress nominated.

Anyone who writes an article like this clearly has no vision. Just to give you an idea of this lack of vision, as late as 1968, FCC Commissioner Robert Lee said the following, "cellular is another status symbol. A telephone for each family car...frivolous use of spectrum that is presented with a car radio for

Sploid owes me 98 seconds of my life back.

Anytime I hear or read "Playing God" used as a reason why an activity shouldn't be engaged upon—I want to set that person on fire, send them to hell, and impregnate their virgin daughter.

It's TSN. In Canada, it's called Sportscentre.