
It would have been fine if they hadn’t tied Snoke so closely to Kylo. Now we don’t know why Kylo turned, if it was even his fault, what he wants, or what really motivates him to do anything. He clearly doesn’t want to do anything he actually does.

The Force is magic, a supernatural thing that allows people to do impossible things. The levels of impossibility for the things that can be done is arbitrary. If the story says the Force lets a character do a thing, then that character can do that thing. It’s like when god decides that David can slay Goliath. Did

So what’s the deal with the obelisk/teleporter? Where did it come from and who made it? There has to be other forces involved.

Luke wasn’t some crack pilot, he shot animals for sports because he was a farmboy. Rey had to survive alone on a planet full of pirates, criminals, and scavengers.

Star Wars has done pretty well without an RPG mechanic making it more “palatable.” As have myths, legends, fables, and fairy tales throughout human history.

It’s like people forgot that Luke literally makes an impossible shot to destroy the Death Star after like a 5 minute lesson with Obi-Wan.

Critic blinded by Bright’s stupidity.

You don’t get to say “zug zug,” that’s our word.

Critic takes dim view of Bright.

Luke basically did exactly what Obi-Wan did. He had an apprentice with great potential whom people feared could be turned to the dark side. In trying to train the apprentice in the Jedi ways, he inadvertently fulfilled that prophecy. The apprentice became a monster who tried to kill his master and then went on to help

I laughed out loud when Alex had perfect hair after he got out of the shower.

I think this article is discounting the people who are totally fine with the ideas they were going for in TLJ but didn’t like the execution.

I wasn’t around for the original trilogy but the popularity of franchises like Star Wars has exploded in more recent years. Sales of Star Wars merchandise was always huge but it’s gone into overdrive.

In Episode IX, Kylo will get his revenge against Rey by trapping her in the center of a dead planet. Buried alive... Buried alive...

It’s interesting how much people focus on Logan being a depressing movie that avoids and deconstructs comic book/superhero movie tropes but in the end Laura is literally saved by her faith in comic books.

Do you know the oldest lie in the galaxy, Senator? Jedis don’t come from hell beneath us. They come from the sky.

Except the movies themselves have established that the Force has some kind of intelligence because it creates balance between light and dark.

The point is that there is no choice with regards to who is strong with the Force. There’s not a big difference between the Force deciding that a bloodline is powerful and the Force deciding that a random person is powerful.

But what is the difference really? Instead of the Force making a fetus special, it makes a baby special? It’s all fate and predestination. There’s no choice involved.

How? It’s all just a circumstance of birth. There’s no choice or effort involved in either case.