
Eh, all these loud crazy fans will still continue buy more Star Wars stuff. And Disney will have no problem overhyping Star Wars to unreasonable levels and whipping up the fanbase into a frenzy.

Damn it Q, stop traveling back in time to screw with history and trying prevent the creation of the Federation.

Rian Johnson really was put in a tough position. Yes, fans did overhype a lot of things but Disney also egged them on and stoked the hype.

Part of it is how much they’re building up the character in all their promotional material. The actors and director all talk about the significance of this female storm trooper. They have Gwendoline Christie going on talk shows to promote the movie. They do so much to hype up this character.

Kylo will have his revenge against Rey by marooning her for all eternity in the center of a dead planet... buried alive... buried alive.

Vader slaughtered children, exterminated the Jedi, helped the Empire enslave the galaxy, and committed genocide. Luke still believed he could be redeemed.

So are you taking the extraneous material into consideration or not? If not then dark sider rising to power only to be destroyed by their apprentice has only happened once in the movies.

Imagine if they had actually thought things out ahead of time and didn’t introduce the all powerful wizard dude in the first place and focused on the actual human instead of doing a pointless fakeout that served no purpose.

I never said that the Jedi created the Force. And what does the Jedi being a religion have to do with anything?

1. You do know the difference between creating a completely new story and continuing an existing story, don’t you? A new story doesn’t need to explain everything, but it establishes the rules for that world. Stories that continue an existing story has to follow rules established by the original story. If they

The Force could just be a thing people can learn and train in.

Except Rey is still connected to Luke. She’s still chosen by the Force.

Except they haven’t tried to make the galaxy big in this new trilogy. There was never a sense that either the Resistance or the First Order are fighting over thousands of planets. Look at the scale of this movie. The First Order, terror of the galaxy, has this one fleet. The Resistance is down to a few hundred people.

But there are only three generations of Skywalkers. It’s not like they’re a hereditary monarchy. They’re not House Targeryn. Not to mention the fact that Anakin was a nobody. And they’ve already established that there are other Force users in the galaxy. And Palpatine didn’t come from a special family and he took over

Except it’s not presumptuous to think Snoke came from somewhere else because he’s never been mentioned anywhere before by anyone.

But there’s not a big difference between “you can only be special if you come from a special family” and “you can only be special if you’re chosen to be special by an omnipotent power.”

Except they didn’t show Sauron’s backstory. They showed the backstory of the setting. They didn’t show how Sauron was a Maiar who rebelled against Eru with Melkor and all that stuff.

People are comparing Snoke’s lack of a backstory to Palpatine’s lack of a backstory. But they’re not the same. Palpatine was set up as an established part of that universe. He’s like Sauron, the big evil force that has been terrorizing the world.

I like that Rey is a nobody but they’re trying to have a message about bow anyone can become a Jedi not matter their lineage, but that’s clearly not the case.

Except for the fact that my criticisms stand even if KotoR 2 doesn’t exist at all.