
Comply maliciously, people. There HAS to be an app that tells you when you’re eight and a half feet away...

I try to say good bye and I do it easily cuz holy CRAP, dude...

Dammit. Too damn young. My heart goes out to his family.

Hey, Take Two. You realize that all these people are doing are training themselves on the tools your studios use to deliver products your customers desire, right? I’m gonna say a sentence that may have never been uttered before. Be like Bethesda. HIRE THESE PEOPLE. Yeesh...

Oh, I will...

In any event... good. Clearly they need to find a better strategy to approach these remasters, even if it’s just “give it to someone other than Grove Street”. PS2s and OG discs still exist, guys. Go get ‘em!

Dang, you beat me to the Albuquerque reference! I was gonna say “YOU GOT ANY BEAR CLAWS?


EXTRA dime, dear friend. EXTRA dime. Amazon Prime isn’t free even if you don’t have it, cuz Bezos gets our tax money regardless, but not paying more ON TOP of all we shell out is nice...

I totally get why they weren’t succeeding. They were basically competing with themselves. The HP and Pikmin games were basically the same as PoGo, and no one’s going to play multiple AR games. They needed to change up the formula beyond giving the game a different licensed skin in order to increase their user base.

Stuff like this makes me want French to die as a language. Like, if you have to try THIS HARD to try to keep people speaking your language, my immediate response is to think it’s not worth speaking. Once I calm down, I realize that English’s imperial legacy is definitely the reason why they’re doing what they’re

So are we actually thinking Valve’s allergic reaction to the number three is finally managed? I’m hoping so, but I’ll wait and see...

1. I’m willing to suspend my disbelief on London not being much more crater-y because this game looks sick as hell.

Jeez, that teenager’s gonna be HAUNTED by that one... heart goes out to the family first, but the kid second...

Keep those somber white-on-black images coming, companies. 

Hey, the Staff comments are from people who are just as baffled as I am that Heard got as much vitriol as she did.

Humour helps people cope with the heinous shit that the world throws at them. I’m right there with you.

I would laugh if Martinet’s interpretation of Petruchio as plumber got squashed and stretched and reformed into Pratt basically doing an impression of Heath Ledger from 10 Things I Hate About You.

7. Take care of the malevolent shape-changing spaceship on the roof. James Corden is recommended, but not required. :P

This week: