King of the Butt Take

and then put it on the Internet.

Jessu Christ, my whole life I thought that was “elb” (for some reason) until right now. I was born and raised in Ottawa. The Expos were the closest goddam major league anything team until 1992.

In Northern Ontario we call a Davenport (!?!?!?!) a Chesterfield.

Technically, yes. Our world sits on the back of a turtle. And that turtle’s world sits on the back of an even greater turtle. And on and on and on, it’s turtles, all the way down, pulling the CalTrain along the rails to Santa Clara.



How is this not a concerning quote? Especially as it relates to an employer superseding an actual investigation done by actual investigators, to punish an employee for alleged behaviour that has already been disproved?

He’s the glue that holds the defence together.

These humourless assholes need to calm the fuck down.

FINGER LING LING GOOD. Oh my god that never gets old.

If you’re trying to say the the Russian players’ articles in the Players’ Tribune are ghostwritten, then I can’t decide whether they employ the best, worst, or simply most racist ghostwriters in the biz.

You don’t quite get the point of these... do you?

So apparently I’m an MRA troll now because I pointed out that your aggressive over-protection of women likely points to a “nice guy” tendency that shades your capacity to see women as your equal, but instead some kind of delicate flower-race awaiting protection from big strong men sitting behind desks?

Not necessarily. My best friend (and best man) is a muay thai fighter and she and her boyfriend roughhouse all the time, including chokeholds, bars, and punches and kicks (below the neck). They adjust their power to account for differences in size, but when they roughhouse they really go at it. To an outside observer

TBH your comparison of Jones and Cormier sounds more like Iron Man vs Captain America than anything else.

No Big Brother started in Airstrip One, Oceania.

If ever more proof was needed that the Confederate Battle Flag has nothing to do with “tradition”, “Southern pride” or “respect” and everything to do with being white and hating change.

Cue sad trombone.

Shit I should have expanded replies on this thread before my voracious spewing of all-caps. Sorry everyone.