
That's a shame. Why not release the riff portions as audio commentary tracks though? I'm sure MSTies would still buy them up.

I think it's less about his character being inconsistent than it is about how little we (and the cluster) actually know about him. Most of our information about him comes from things he says about himself; who knows if any of it is true? They do begin to see him in memories of Angelica, but i don't recall anything

Felt like they responded to him appropriately. The only question I have (which I assume will be answered in season 3) is where the hell did Puck come from? Why was he even nearby? How did he know they needed help? Etc.

She's so great as Lila, agreed. And fuck Lila!

The dudes have their shirts off much of the time too, if that helps. Can't figure why they wouldn't use a photo of one of them as the still image.

Yes I have met human beings who talk like that.

I fully expect that their locations, personalities, and expertise, not to mention the real-world connections they already have outside of their sensate bond, are the reason this cluster is going to be able to defeat BPO once and for all, where all the others failed. A variation on the "One" trope… these sensates are

Just wanted to vocally endorse calling Mun "Detective Tight Pants" from now on. Well done.

Amazon Prime keeps getting better! It's like they add something new every few weeks.

This is a conversation I'm very much looking forward to!

Yeah. Seriously FUCK her.

They're both amazing, agreed. But Amanita has the win for the sole fact that she knows what is going on with Nomi, while Hernando has no clue about the Sensate stuff yet. I fully expect him to be super rad about it when he does find out, but that's a conversation that hasn't happened yet.

There must be a reason they didn't call it "Where's Dildo?" right?

I heard they're airing the Giles episode without commercial interruptions so they can really pack in the library action for 56 minutes.

I think, but am not sure, that just like the Marvel films, the Netflix shows take place in near real time — the time between release dates is the same amount of time that has passed?

The conveniently inconsistent attention of adults is one such failing.

Man I dunno. Grande's Whitney wasn't all that accurate but the Shakira and Celine Dion impressions were spot on. Easily as good as the ones Mars did when he hosted, in my opinion. And I was tickled by the little jokey flairs she put into them.

I liked it! Lots of potential. The Suffragette sketch leaned a little too heavily on Drunk History, but I enjoyed the way they kept twisting and warping each premise until it landed in an unexpected way, like the mom's best friend bit. As you said, it started out kinda eye-rolly but then got so weird and interesting