
I find it interesting, Oliver, that you have such a hard time empathizing with someone doing something terrible for selfish or unclear reasons. I kinda envy that… but as far as I can tell in my dealings with other humans, pretty much everybody does shitty stuff for bad reasons, or for no reason, and having Jessica spy

I'm not gonna argue that the show was particularly well-written, but it is fairly realistic to have the farmland outside the fortress walls, at least historically.

Ugh I hope not. Hard to tell with only one episode so far, but it feels like they're trying very hard to not do things like that. We'll have to see.

So in this world Superman was 24 years old when he revealed himself to the world, not 29 as he is in Man Of Steel. Interesting.

But didn't JJ Abrams build a full scale one? I could swear I saw a drone picture of it.

Yeah, when Mary Steenburgen showed up I kept waiting for the episode to cleverly subvert the Manic Pixie Dream Girl thing, and instead it just sorta reveled in it? Maybe? I dunno it was weird.

Do you need a resume for grad school though?

I want some of that purple stuff…

But it was really cool for her to shame someone who was actually making
money for the company by throwing how much (little) he made in his face.

There's no way he's actually in Venezuela though, right? Seems like something fake that FBI guy would've cooked up to make Will talk.

Which is to say nothing of the ridiculous of new potential ACN savior
Lucas Pruitt (B.J. Novak) who was essentially a walking manifestation of
all of Aaron Sorkin’s new media and very intently spoke to Charlie
about starting a news network dedicated to people stalking Danny Glover.

I saw that same article today. It was like a sneak attack! Sometimes you feel like you'll never get away from one of these things. Ever. Like, is it just me or is "too many cooks" now ruined forever?