John Bigbooté

Oh, come on. This has happened to all of us at one point or another, right? I mean, it can’t just be me, can it?

But seriously, who the fuck films that?

She ought to have logged in to her BNet account, then, shouldn’t she?

Nice try, Robert Rodriguez! I’m not downloading your damn app!

You should Niva underestimate the damage over-inflation can cause.

Park, Neutral, 20 different speeds, reverse 1, reverse 2, and reverse 3...

I clearly spend too much time on io9, because I was immediately certain there was a binary message in those cards.

In response to your diabolic advocacy, the car immediately at the beginning of the video clearly saw and stopped for the sign. he was probably parked in two spaces while doing this?

No, no. He’s Canadian. He should be apologizing, in accordance with the 1982 Charter of Rights and Freedoms, paragraph 35.:

If I let another driver in front of me, how will I win at traffic? I have to get there first!

I liked Tim Allen in Redbelt, but he’s meant to be a mostly unlikable asshole in that one.

True, but then you can compare this number of responses to the number of Uber or Lyft jobs taken during the same period and make a comparison. (That said, I don’t know where a number of jobs taken/dropped exists, though it surely must somewhere online.)

Yeah, I think when you’re buying a McLaren, the dealership is open when you tell them it is.

We need those progressive fines, like in Northern Europe, where your fine is a percentage of your income, so rich people don’t get off with essentially microscopic fines.

Well, it’s British Columbia, so yeah. It’s drugs.

If only cars had some kind of indicator for the driver to see how fast they were going...

Hope Jean doesn’t see this comment. She’s the sort liable to take petty workplace revenge by misplacing your expense reports.

I don’t know where you get off thinking you’re entitled to your own opinion here, missy!

I’m from Timmins originally and can confirm. Except I’m pretty sure they have more than 6 Timmies.