John Bigbooté

Oh. Oh, Math. Sit down, we need to talk.

I second your second second on Backwater.

If the distance in space is a factor limiting our ability to discover aliens, consider also the span of time. It is also possible that alien life existed so long ago, that they have long died out and faded entirely away, or that it will spring up some time in the unforseeable future.

Dyscalculia! Not a knockoff public domain vampire, but an actual condition!

I have, and I also own an international release of Shaolin Soccer. Chao’s dance scenes abound!

Your math seems off, somehow.

Don’t worry about it. The internet as a whole has decided for you that you are upset and has raged about it on your behalf.

I still hope to see The New Mutants some day. it would be nice to see an entirely different take on the franchise.

That would just be stupid.

Get out of here, internet! Get!

In addition to the obvious lack of forward speed, I love that the propellers look like they’re barely spinning. That’s the part that makes my brain furrow its brow in confusion. I get that it’s a thing with cameras and fast moving props, but it adds to the weird effect.

This is honestly the first time I’ve ever even heard of this guy.

I will more or less second what ThirdAmendmentMan has put down here. Titans is on Netflix in Canada, so I checked it out, despite initial misgivings. It’s shaky and uneven, and the dialogue can get pretty stilted, but I generally enjoyed it. There’s a lot of room for improvement (and when their version of the Doom

It seems that manufacturers of EVs should get in touch with the fine folks who made the batteries for the Galaxy Note 7s a few years back. Those guys seem to have an insight on how to derive heat directly from the battery!

Wind wattage? That’s a brilliant idea. Very illuminating. 

Goddammit! I rolled my eyes so hard at your comment, I sprained an eyeball!

I would have thought the only colour would be gray, but marketed under 43 different names.

But the thing is, as drivers, we’re all responsible to recognize when we’re getting fatigued and pull over, regardless which car we’re driving.

Well, I kinda do consider myself an idiot on those long haul drives when I swerve over the rumble strips. I know better and should stop before I become a hazard to myself and others. It’s happened, sure, on rare occasion, but it’s still up to me to recognize I’m getting drowsy and pull the funk over.