John Bigbooté

Weekends are often ridiculously busy. Waiting can be a very stressful job. In the hotel where I used to work, it got pretty hectic for the waitstaff (I was a porter, and merely witnessed their labours). The chef was a cokehead and the manager had his head pretty far up his own ass, so it was not a pleasant place. Add

Sure, hepatitis B has a nutty flavour that might stand out, but hep C is a pretty mild cheese flavour that a typical cheeseburger will completely conceal.

Wow, that was a pretty solid punch!

Hands up, everyone who is sill here today because they wore a seat belt!


And why would a parent even say that? It never, ever occurred to me to lick a frozen railing until my mother told me not to. It never crossed my mind, why would you plant that thought, mom?!

And now that Nissan has introduced the Kick, I can no longer tell the difference between any Nissan vehicle. They’re just slightly different sizes of the same car!

I told you to stop making up animals!

Warthog? Looks more like a puma!

As a point of education: the reverse, feckful, is also a word. I learned that just this week, and now I’m sharing with the world!

And that’s why we all love the Olympics.

Evil eyebrows.

Old World Blues is just plain hilarious (at times). I think it’s my favourite of the New Vegas DLC, as I am an old school sci-fi nerd at heart.

In many video games, I typically play through multiple times, where there are different faction conclusions. But in New Vegas, I just couldn’t get behind playing as a legionnaire. It’s just not the fun kind of evil.

New Vegas is still great, if you play on a PC. The wealth of good mods, from massive bug fixes, to increasing the overall difficulty, to various immersion mods... it’s a fantastic game. (Of course, there is also a wealth of shit mods out there, too, so check the ratings before you download.)

I agree with you on New Vegas, in terms of a large scale conclusion, except that, it doesn’t really pay off, for me. The final battle is limited, because it has to be for playability sake, but it feels like the final battle for the control of Hoover Dam and the whole Mojave should be more than just some three dozen

Antlion Pit for Shitheads will be the title of my next punk album.