John Bigbooté

I miss game cartridge art of the old days. I remember wishing that the game looked half as cool.

It’s four bandits on horseback trying to rob an alien invading mothership.

Serious question: what does BRZ tS stand for?

Dibs on the band name The Ironic Onions!

If we’re lucky.

I’d tap that tap that.

I was replying to the initial comment, not the article. Personally, I’m not qualified to weigh in on anything. in fact, if more people recognized their respective areas of expertise and limitations thereof, I’d be a lot happier with the internet as a whole.

“I once saw a black guy on Scrubs, so I feel like I’ve got a good grip on the African-American culture...”

“I once saw a black person on the street, so I’m qualified to weigh in on this...”

General Butt Naked has admitted to killing and eating children. Regardless our contempt for Tucker Carlson, Gen. Butt Naked is in no way redeemable

Assuming you’re asking a genuine question, General Butt Baked was/is a Liberian warlord during the First Liberian Civil War.

Seems like the kind of thing he should be transparent about.

Are you trying to say that Tucker Carlson is a child-eating murderer?

I was gonna say, Sitting Bull might have something to say about rapid racial change in his community.

I look great under those conditions! Or so I assume. Never really stopped to look.

I don’t know. I’ve seen some pretty tempting-looking sins in my time.

The ONLY good thing? What about the Shantoo? They’re basically sentient garbage gorillas speaking in iambic pentameter! Too cool!

The Gizmondo is central to the core theme of the whole game! If you think it isn’t, you’ve been Shorking all your Wars wrong!

Dong Devin: Private Dick

I dunno: the Bommerns still could use a bit of screen time, especially to explain their link to the Garblips of Nor. Personally, I hope the next War Shorker brings back the old Protunding storyline.