1) France has much harsher language laws than bill 101 and bill 96. To wit, unlike Québec, there is no way to obtain legal documents in english, or any other language than French.
I don’t think that word means what you think it means.
You glossed over the majority of what Jidion was doing.
None of that power on screen came for free, none of it.
It’s like going to a building that has a sign that says, “please use side door” and then complaining the building is “nearly inaccessible”
That’s why I have my “pop culture sleep machines” on DVD. The day I wear out my Dr. Katz and Home Movies discs is going to be a sad one.
Parks and Rec is my “comfort food” TV. It’s what I’ll put on in the background while I’m puttering around the kitchen or doing some mindless work on my computer. I’ve probably watched the whole series a half-dozen times or more. Once you get past the first 1.5 seasons, it is so solid. Eminently re-watchable.
There is so much competition out there, but I’m still fully convinced that Mark Brendanawicz is the worst sitcom character ever. And I’m including Urkel in that assessment.
Passive aggressive? Trolling? I see you throwing words around but you don’t actually have any idea what they mean do you?
I said what I said because he criticized and accused the author without actually backing up his words with a quote or anything. Facts are important here. You accuse someone of something then show…
Point of discussion yes, but they are trying to discredit what I said by using that tiny little anecdote. My response was in reguards to cooling issues being a problem in past consoles and that was just not the case. Now cooling maybe have had other issues, but failure was not one of them. Thus the crux of the…
Count yourself among the lucky ones. I lost my launch 360 to the RRoD, because of course I did. My launch 60gig PS3 — read: best PS3, RIP — caught the YLoD, which while not as prevalent as the RRoD, was a bigger issue than people realize. Had that repaired, but it happened again. The thermal paste was just not having…
I mean, Destiny is repetitive gameplay, too. Do you like shooting aliens, because holy shit do you fight a lot of aliens. But Destiny is hugely successful and can be a real blast, even in single-player (sometimes).
The problem wasn’t the gameplay, but the tight lipped nature of the marketing and the fact the beta was an extremely poor representation of the final product. Which, funny enough, is what a beta actually would be. However, in these days, people hear “beta” and think “demo”. The beta build everyone played the past few…
Didn’t take long for the dipshits to appear complaining about this article being “political” when it’s commenting on a game that is deliberately portraying cold war politics for fun.
Good choices, Suicide Mission and Leaving Earth are towering, epic pieces of music (although one of them’s also on my list so I’m biased)
Life Will Change has a permanent place on my workout music now. It’s really excellent.
Suicide Mission is also a strong contender.
To be clear they don’t own the rights to the character in games in its entirety. They own the rights to their own Spider-Man in the their game, it’s their own little universe, that actually extend beyond the rights they have in the movies hence all the named Marvel easter-eggs in the game. That was part of their…
To be fair, if you were planning on buying this game yesterday you were planning on buying it without Spiderman.
Discovering that some other people might have Spiderman doesn’t make the decision you were making yesterday any different. You’re still buying a game where you can’t play as Spiderman.
Someone has paid for that extra content though and it’s Sony.