
Always bugs me when people say it’s been in development for 8 years.” It bugs you when people speak accurately about the game?

So, I’m just going to ask the same question again, because I took the time to read the link you posted the first time.

Ash have you played Red Dead 2? It sounds like the game you described was read dead 2. Horse, open world, and beautiful scenery.

I avoided the leaks and I’m glad I did because it meant that early scene came in like a five iron... Especially because the trailers made you think something else was going on in that basement.

It’s not subverting expectations when you intentionally misrepresent what your story is about before it comes out.

How about you allow the developers to actually release their work when its intended instead of being ruined by people who dont respect their work ?

During this pandemic, just like Animal Crossing - Frank just wants to be pure.

How dare you call my boy Jean-Ralphio mildy famous?!

Dudes....why you be posting about a few pieces from this museum when a little institution known as The Met is doing the same thing with hundreds of their pieces.

I think most people use acpatterns(dot)com

I almost forgot current-gen consoles have raytracing, universal 4K 60fps support, anti-aliasing, customizable FOV, free online multiplayer, and modular components.

I almost forgot current-gen consoles have raytracing, universal 4K 60fps support, anti-aliasing, customizable FOV,

Sticks and stones is a lie parents tell their kids to get them to stop crying in the moment. Words can be worse than anything and can completely alter a person if they are heard for long enough. The problem is not people who can’t “get over it.” The problem is people like you who insist it isn’t a problem and let the

Looks like you never stopped. Maybe try mentally growing up passed 14 too. 

For me it’s a relaxing game you plunk away at over a long period of time, just sort of enjoying the moments as they come; the writing is fun, the characters are charming, seasonal events are interesting etc. All of this loans and stocks and stuff is completely optional background content for me.

Dude, same here. The issue is that I get home from work, play with my daughter, spend time with my wife, eat dinner, give daughter bath and then put her to bed, exercise and then try to squeeze in time to play before books closes for the day but I never get to sell all my fruit. I really wish that they allowed you to

The museums in Div2 are great. I actually wrote about them last year!

you can visit the air and space museum in the division 2 and it’s probably my best memory of that game.

That’s the only problem I have with it.

I’ve also just noticed that the black part that houses the sticks is completely separate from and sandwiched between the front and back shells, with TWO fairly large extruding seams. That feels like a bad idea.

Also, a splash of color makes it look way better, in my opinion.