
Ugh I can't imagine the time it would take to rip all my DVD's....screw that.

Use ATV much more than Roku. But I dont pay for a Hulu Plus subscription either. I never buy iTunes TV episodes either. Do rent movies, Netflix, streaming. I guess it just depends on what subscriptions you have.

Use my Apple TV nearly everyday for Netflix, Airplay, Streaming from iTunes, renting movies. Since we bought the ATV we rarely use the Roku which gets hot and greenscreens requiring a reboot. Use the roku for watching TWIT. Although if we cancel DTV we'd probably use it more. But the $70 month I'd save would probably

I mean what do we expect from a so called tech company that makes its money in the insurance market? WTF LOL

Sony's board needs to dump this idiot. He's to freakin old to be running a technology company. Sony couldnt compete with Apple in any space. Sony needs to be completely revamped, management fired and completely restructured. The Walkman days are over guys, get over it.

Isnt this what happened in I Am Legend?

I'm still on 2G here in the western US. I'm in a small city of around 15k people. I have to drive 30min to get 3G coverage but it doesnt work very good when it works at all...I'd dare say that there are more people in the US using 2G than anything else. You guys in your big cities with your fancy 3G/4G heh..

Doesnt look very secure, better to cave out more of holding dock in the book. Going to end up breaking your phone or connector...

No 3G yet in my area with a population of about 15k people. I live 30min from a city with 250k people where there is 3G but it usually doesnt work. Webpages just hang so I have to switch back to 2G to get anything done. From my experience 3G is a joke and LTE/4G is a lies to get people to buy phones. Funny thing is

I think it's personal preference. I could give a shit about Facebook integration in my car. But I know my daughter would love it. I'd like a really nice stereo and gps system. I'd like to be able to listen to pandora in my car as well. I could give a crap about all these digitized displays. They look really gimmicky.

I hate watching movies in theaters anymore. There are too many distractions. The rules need to be stricter and enforced. So sick of the texting, talking, dumping your damn drinks on my chair!

Paper is so 2010....

Interesting idea but I don't this going mainstream unless the focus editing can be done on the camera quickly and easily. Most people just want to capture the moment not dink around editing each picture they take.

Reader = goodbye to these suck ass Giz ads and their shat placement!

Hell in my state starting Teachers salary is barely 31k. $14hr for part time retail work is perty damn good wages imo! Quit your bitching!

Didnt he just put a book out ?


I've been saying this for years. WTF do they have all their most sensitive data, nuclear power plants, missles connected to the internet. Have that shit hooked up to a separate computer system that never touches the interwebs! These people could take a lesson from Admiral Adama (BSG) NO NETWORKED computers!

Apple is going to get us coming and going with this.....Not only do you buy the music for $.99 or more but it will be stored in the cloud and you'll have to rent access to music you already supposedly own! So basically you'll be paying twice for your music, why wouldnt the music industry love it! They have got to be

Weak minds...