
Oooh *get's popcorn*

I love these things but they're freaking expensive!

I have one of those, guess I should show this guy how real men skip rocks! Back-handed skipping is for girls!

The dude has no skill in skipping who skips rocks back-handed?! You don't have near the throwing power!

As a kid I listened to vinyl, teenager tapes, young adult cd's and now mp3's......but I remember some of the coolest times listening to music was on the record player. Just sitting around put a record on and mellow. Probably didnt hurt that my parents at the time were total stoners and my house was usually filled with


I've been married for 20 years, I have no friends anymore. Just annoying is grand!

Don't sign in to Google and set your browser settings to erase history/cache data upon exit....FTW!

Google's a search engine we trust to give us un-biased search results. If they can't do that then they're no longer a reputable search engine. They can find another way to promote their social network. Most people do not even use social networks. Google is living in a social network bubble. A lot of people use Google

Quit using AVG a few years back when they starting routing all Internet traffic through their servers. If you kill the service it kills your Internet access. Don't want a middle man thanks!

So was the Best Buy store completely locked down while he was there? Do they do background checks on the store employees that are helping him?

Well at least he has his priorities straight. Underage drinking is far more important than the current state of the economy...

Tried finding a movie to watch on Netflix last night and I noticed half the freaking catalog was gone. I guess they lost there Starz movies? Just a bunch of old old freaking movies. Netflix is dieing a slow death.

Whatever....they think we're really going to believe this crap? The FBI is no doubt using this to track 'criminals'.

Why is the girl stupid? For having a fake gun on her purse? Ugh.....why do I read this shit!

Windows 8 isnt even in BETA yet, it's just a DEV preview to get people writing software. I suspect it will look and act a lot different in the coming year.

No more PDF's please! Magazines on the iPad freakin suck for the most part. Wired is the only one I know of doing anything remotely decent.

Did you actually read the article? Maybe you should...

OMG I cannot tell you how many good HP printers we've thrown out because they don't have Windows 7 printer drivers.....