
I believe most cities have noise ordnances. If you want to be loud with your mufflers, music or what have you.......GTFO of town! It's like those idiots and their loud rap music driving around in winter with their windows down......for some reason teenagers think it makes them look cool. Has anyone ever seen/heard

The latest version of Safari on the iPad2 is freaking fast fast. Faster than Atomic. I'd like to see some testing done with these browsers. The biggest draw back with Safari is it's tabs system and switching back and forth cause a reload of the page most of the time which is extremely annoying. But regular web surfing

Doesnt look that great to me....highlighting and selecting text seems very slow. I hate the flashing.



That's stupid

AT&T just can't wait for us to start streaming our iTunes cloud music! Verizon wishes they could stream music and get phone calls at the same

Works great on Opera 11.

The iPad's not going to replace your computer or laptop but it will replace books, magazines, newspapers, paper documents etc...

I get by with 7 pretty well. When I hit 8-9 I end up not feeling as tired at night then only getting 5-6 the next day so I try to get atleast 7 during the week and 8+ on the weekends.

"unsecured network"

Yes funny prank I guess, hardly worth buying a useless cable for....I'm sure some nitwits will buy these..

Friend of mine bought one for Christmas. $2700! Yep and she gets it home and starts copying files over and it froze up repeatedly. It sure looks neat though! That bouncing ball of death comes up all the time. You just sit there going.....WTF is going on! AHHHHHH! Could have bought 3 PC's with the same hardware for

"It appears this man was genuinely seeking to eat someone." - You don't hear that everyday. LOL! That's some funny crazy shit right there..

I dont see where Google thinks ChromeOS is going. A $500 netbook that only works when there's a wifi connection? Seriously? And I thought Google was this big forward thinking company...

This is iPad one will pay $500 for a laptop when they can buy an iPad.....sorry Google but this is way overpriced. Should be $199 and $249.

By the time you add a monitor, keyboard, might as well buy the Chromebook or lease it or whatever......unless these things are $99 they're not worth it.

My kids wanted to see and we did, they both liked it. First show we've gone to the theater for in many months.

I agree

Yay no more sidebar!!! Although when you click on a story it comes back....booo, can we just get the story without all the sidebar crap? That thing is just the worst thing ever!