
So by spamming everyone I know I can get a bigger Dropbox!? friends will love this! crapped out

There was that addon that created a G-Drive with your Gmail account. Kinda sucked though.

Not that many episodes and lots of commercials...

Sweet....but way too expensive.

Traffic Controllers must have the most boring jobs in the world or they dont pay these guys enough to give a shit.

... "In other news man dies from connecting car battery to chest."

Angry Birds - need I say more?

I would like to think that if I had $40, 000, 000, 000 to play with during my lifetime I'd do a better job of spending it.....I'd probably buy a small country in the Caribbean somewhere, build a large palace and shag myself to death with 1000's of wives.

I want Ian McKellen to be my grandpa. Every time he spoke I'd be like..... O M G

So the top 1% of Americans can now go to space!? Cool..

The story could have used more explanation and a better picture so that these aren't confused with vice grips.

Windows needs to stick with what they're good at.....making windows/office. If the store is anything more than an added convenience people will balk and it will fail. Don't go Apple on us MS you dont want their market share..

I want to be there when they start opening the do you suppose they'll do it? C4? Sledge hammer? I feel sorry for the poor bastard put in charge of that....LOL

Why does the Kindle need a screen saver? Does e Ink burn in the screen? Why doesn't it just shutoff after a couple minutes of non use?

After using Opera it's been really hard to switch to another browser. It's really nice to have core features built in.

@tbonesteak: Don't think Giz has actually watched an episode of Dexter...

Big and bulky would be a problem for me.

Conspiracy Theorists Unite!